Posted on Mar 18, 2015
How do you keep copies of your important military records?
After the fire which destroyed Army records in St Louis, MO many years ago I started to keep paper copies of my records [before PCs, smart phones, etc.] and I encouraged my soldiers to do likewise. I was able to correct my pay, DD214, medical records, and retirement points once I transferred to the Reserves primarily because I was able to show my copies of orders, LES, and other "official" records to justify my case. I also was able to assist some of my soldiers based on helping them with their records and occasionally testifying on their behalf. I expect many current leaders do likewise. I started scanning in my paper copies and storing them on my hard drive and backup DVDs. Later I started downloading and sometimes uploading to Army Knowledge Online [AKO] and more recently providing copies to the VA. I hope all service members keep copies of their important records and am curious how much leadership effort is focused on personal records and how service members store them.
Posted 10 y ago
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After the fire which destroyed Army records in St Louis, MO many years ago I started to keep paper copies of my records [before PCs, smart phones, etc.] and I encouraged my soldiers to do likewise. I was able to correct my pay, DD214, medical records, and retirement points once I transferred to the Reserves primarily because I was able to show my copies of orders, LES, and other "official" records to justify my case. I also was able to assist some of my soldiers based on helping them with their records and occasionally testifying on their behalf. I expect many current leaders do likewise. I started scanning in my paper copies and storing them on my hard drive and backup DVDs. Later I started downloading and sometimes uploading to Army Knowledge Online [AKO] and more recently providing copies to the VA. I hope all service members keep copies of their important records and am curious how much leadership effort is focused on personal records and how service members store them.
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