Posted on Oct 30, 2017
SGT Squad Leader
I’ve seen multiple things on the internet when it comes to reclass. I’m just curious if there is any way around being thrown into a random job or if anyone knows where i could find what jobs are in demand? Also, if i do end up in an unenjoyable job, when would i be able to put in a reclass packet once in MOS Q’d?
Posted in these groups: 090710 a 3251c 006 ReclassMs945 ahrc HRCExpertsights e1324327272686 MOS
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Responses: 3
SGT Justin Lamb
There are a lot of things to look at when reclassing. First you have to remember that you have to qul for the MOS your looking into meaning what you scored on the ASVAB. Next you need to look at an IN/OUT report, normally you can find it on the HRC website. This report shows you what MOS’ are over strength meaning even if you qul for the MOS, they won’t accept you for that MOS at that time. You also have to remember if you received a bonus for the MOS you are currently in and you don’t serve enough of your contract as the MOS you got the bonus for... your paying it back. I don’t know your case I’m just going off of your post so bare with me.

I reclassed when I went from reserve to active duty so as long as I scored high enough for the job I got the MOS provided I went and passed the school. I didn’t have to retake the ASVAB or anything since I was happy with my choice. Pass ht/wt blah blah blah pretty much don’t be flagged.

As for reclassing if you don’t like the next job. All the power to you just know there is a RSP program that will be enforced if you don’t make rank. Again, case by case but if active your looking at reclass at the end of your contract. Others as long as there is a slot in your unit for the MOS and you meet requirements
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
thank you for your response. the website seems to have reworded my question. the main catch actually. I am an academic drop from EOD, so my reclass is needs of the army, so my particular question is how i go about possibly getting a Combat Arms job if i can get one at all, knowing the in out calls for Combat jobs are available when it comes to needs of the Army.
SGT Justin Lamb
SGT Justin Lamb
7 y
Sweet deal, your foot is in the door, play out what is given to you so when your reup comes around you can speak your reclass MOS and move onto your combat arms if you weren’t placed there already. Chin up, everything happens for a reason. Your one of the good ones instead of being being a cry baby you seeked knowledge and it speaks volumes of your character. Best of luck and if I can be of further assistance please don’t hesitate to message me
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
Thank you so much SGT, i’ll definitely let you know if i have any questions!
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
When you are MOS academic failure, your new MOS is usually based on Needs of the Army. Haven you spoken with your Cadre about this? Have they spoken with you?
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
thank you so much, i will talk with my cadre tomorrow!! or today if they find the time!
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
7 y
SGT (Join to see) - Is this your first test failure? Normally they will recycle you at least once before they move you to a new MOS. Sometimes they will recycle you more than once if they think you have any potential.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
EOD is unforgiving. i made it through Mod A which is 85+ on all tests, or fail and get reclassed. One try on each test. i failed the last practical of Mod B which allows 1 hour of remediation then immediate retest. 85+ rules apply to all EOD tests throughout the 40+ weeks.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
but to answer your question yes, it was the only test i failed.
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SSG Security Team Driver
You will most likely become needs of the Army, I saw people who got to pick their new MOS however I was called and given my job without a choice.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
did/do you enjoy the job you were given?
SSG Security Team Driver
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
No, I was in Eglin man, I thought i had made it. They gave me 88m (truck driver) and I'm not happy about it at all. As soon as i got to my unit I dropped a packet to go back but they're overstrengthed.
SGT Squad Leader
SGT (Join to see)
7 y
oh wow, well making it down to Eglin is a feat in itself. how long did you have to wait to drop a packet once you got out of FLW? I want to stay in the military but i also want to enjoy it. My Drill Sergeants were all Combat Arms and they taught me a whole lot and i fell in love with the adrenalin and the grit of the combat MOS’s. EOD wasn’t too hard, it’s the little mistakes that got me. :/
SSG Security Team Driver
SSG (Join to see)
7 y
I had a problem figuring out who to send the packet to, ended up getting in contact with a SFC in spec ops recruiting, he handled MOST's in active army. I stayed in contact with him for 2 years, he told me to check in every week to see the status of reclassing. I texted him every Wednesday at 1200 to ask, never missed a day for the whole 2 years. I was so passionate (still am) about EOD but have since realized that trying to reclass back is almost impossible and was holding back my career. Going from 89D to 88M really hurt my desire to stay in the military, but the best advice I can give you is this: if you want to be in the military, stay in, given that you tried to join one of the most mentally challenging MOS's there is proves that you at least have guts and somewhat of a brain. Take whatever job they give you and be the best you can, if you're given an opportunity to do something you'd like more, take it. If you're "stuck", be the best you can be and opportunities will find you. I made E5 at the minimum possible time allowed starting at E1. There will be days that make you wonder why you're in but try to see the silver lining. If you're thrust into an understrengthed MOS, promotion points will be low and school options will be available. Make the Army work for you, not the other way around. This may be your first hard lesson in the military, you cannot control what they will do with you, only how you turn it into a benefit.
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