Posted on Aug 13, 2018
How’s life as prior service in the active duty Coast Guard?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I'll agree with the other two (Scharff and Bowerman). There are times when the Coast Guard is more military than even the Marine Corps, and times when you will think we were civilianized 300 years ago... We do things differently than the other services, but much of that you're already aware of since you are in a "maritime" service already. As a recovering Army grunt, I had a bitch of a time with "passageway" and "ladder" and "rope"...
Our units are TINY compared to other services - yet we're still 24-hours. I remember my first unit, when the Chief put me on the break-in duty roster. "You'll be 1-in-3 until qualified, then if things go right, 1-in-5 or 1-in-6." I replied with, "That's cool. One duty day every three months!" He looked at me like I was on dope. "No, dipstick - that's every three DAYS..." I have dealt with Port and Starboard duty (one day on, one off) for months, and have even had Port and Report (duty... all day... all the damned time) for months at a time.
Our ratings (MOSs) are MUCH more general than the other services - our spark-chasers easily cover over a half-dozen Navy ratings - and we do everything they do (outside of nukes!!) with only 23 career fields. As an MST (Marine Science Technician), it took over 20 Air Force AFSCs to cover what I did on a daily basis - and I still had regular duties that weren't covered. We have FOUR aviation career fields, and one of them are our Rescue Swimmers, so only three that deal with airframe operations. Don't be surprised!
We put a LOT more responsibility and authority on our junior folks than the other services. Where the Marines would send a squad with a senior Gunny or an LT to operate, we frequently send four folks with a junior E-4 in charge. I've seen search and rescue operations with a qualified E-3 as coxswain and in charge of two other petty officers (yes, rank inversion!!), with that E-3 making life and death decisions will in charge of, and operating, one of our small boats. Again, don't be surprised.
We're a TINY service - about a quarter the size of the Corps. That total asshole you dealt with yesterday will DEFINITELY see you again... so keep your dealings with others as positive as possible.
Our reenlistment rate is over 80% across the board - with first-termers re-upping at about 70%... the BEST the other four services can offer is the Air Force, with a 45% re-up rate a couple years ago, with first-termers staying in about 25% of the time - and they didn't know what to do with such amazing numbers.
One of the reasons for this is how we choose our career fields. All the other branches listen to Uncle Ernie and watch the propaganda vids in the Recruiter's office and choose something before they've ever done it. Not the Coast Guard. Almost all of our folks come in as non-rates - no career fields - and after they've been advanced to E-3, can put their name on any rating A-School list for which they qualify - and you'll know what you are qualified for before you EVER sign on a piece of paper. Loads of people join to do XXX, but after seeing the down-side of that XXXers do, they opt for a different rating and put their name on the YYY list. This means that our folks have seen the good, bad, and ugly of ALL the ratings we have - and all career fields have crap parts, either sea-shore rotations or duty stations or advancement or various parts of what they do. Sure, almost everyone sees the surf-boat blasting through the surf and want to do that - but are they as keen on dragging the bottom of a slimy river-bottom for a drowned kid that's overdue from a kayak trip, or driving circles in freezing rain in rough seas looking for an overdue boater that decided to go to the bar instead of going fishing, but never told their spouse? This means that our people are happier in our jobs.
There's a lot more to go on about - just holler if you want to hear any of it... ;)
Our units are TINY compared to other services - yet we're still 24-hours. I remember my first unit, when the Chief put me on the break-in duty roster. "You'll be 1-in-3 until qualified, then if things go right, 1-in-5 or 1-in-6." I replied with, "That's cool. One duty day every three months!" He looked at me like I was on dope. "No, dipstick - that's every three DAYS..." I have dealt with Port and Starboard duty (one day on, one off) for months, and have even had Port and Report (duty... all day... all the damned time) for months at a time.
Our ratings (MOSs) are MUCH more general than the other services - our spark-chasers easily cover over a half-dozen Navy ratings - and we do everything they do (outside of nukes!!) with only 23 career fields. As an MST (Marine Science Technician), it took over 20 Air Force AFSCs to cover what I did on a daily basis - and I still had regular duties that weren't covered. We have FOUR aviation career fields, and one of them are our Rescue Swimmers, so only three that deal with airframe operations. Don't be surprised!
We put a LOT more responsibility and authority on our junior folks than the other services. Where the Marines would send a squad with a senior Gunny or an LT to operate, we frequently send four folks with a junior E-4 in charge. I've seen search and rescue operations with a qualified E-3 as coxswain and in charge of two other petty officers (yes, rank inversion!!), with that E-3 making life and death decisions will in charge of, and operating, one of our small boats. Again, don't be surprised.
We're a TINY service - about a quarter the size of the Corps. That total asshole you dealt with yesterday will DEFINITELY see you again... so keep your dealings with others as positive as possible.
Our reenlistment rate is over 80% across the board - with first-termers re-upping at about 70%... the BEST the other four services can offer is the Air Force, with a 45% re-up rate a couple years ago, with first-termers staying in about 25% of the time - and they didn't know what to do with such amazing numbers.
One of the reasons for this is how we choose our career fields. All the other branches listen to Uncle Ernie and watch the propaganda vids in the Recruiter's office and choose something before they've ever done it. Not the Coast Guard. Almost all of our folks come in as non-rates - no career fields - and after they've been advanced to E-3, can put their name on any rating A-School list for which they qualify - and you'll know what you are qualified for before you EVER sign on a piece of paper. Loads of people join to do XXX, but after seeing the down-side of that XXXers do, they opt for a different rating and put their name on the YYY list. This means that our folks have seen the good, bad, and ugly of ALL the ratings we have - and all career fields have crap parts, either sea-shore rotations or duty stations or advancement or various parts of what they do. Sure, almost everyone sees the surf-boat blasting through the surf and want to do that - but are they as keen on dragging the bottom of a slimy river-bottom for a drowned kid that's overdue from a kayak trip, or driving circles in freezing rain in rough seas looking for an overdue boater that decided to go to the bar instead of going fishing, but never told their spouse? This means that our people are happier in our jobs.
There's a lot more to go on about - just holler if you want to hear any of it... ;)
As far as the entire United States Armed Forces go, the United States Coast Guard is its best kept secret, bar none. There are more career men and women in the USCG, per capita, than in any of the other four services. Fact. That should explain life on active duty in the Coast Guard for anyone, prior service ESPECIALLY. They have something with which to compare it. A clean Boot doesn’t. If you’re thinking about it, do it. You will not believe the difference, and you will never look back Take it to the Bank.
I had one prior service Marine that I served with. He did OK, not great but OK. My suggestion would be to lead by example and share the trates you learned in the Marine Corps when asked, not start every sentence with, “Well, in the Marine Corps...”. As the Coast Guard is so small, everyone is expected to do their job and then pick up the slack of another one. If you are bright and a hard worker, you will stand out and your military bearing will only complement that. Good luck to you if you decide to make a change.
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