Posted on Aug 19, 2014
1LT Platoon Leader
As a Reservist, it's hard to keep in touch with your soldiers at all times; thankfully my section sergeant, my CO and I talk on a daily basis by email. That being said, I have a young NCO who is AGR; she failed a record APFT and wanted to re take with her AGR unit. Myself and my section sergeant told her no that she would have to wait at least 30 days but had up to 90 to retake (according to the regs). However during the work week my CO contacted me and told me that this young NCO sent a new APFT score card from her unit that she is a AGR for on 3 days later. We handled this situation, but I want to see what other leadership would have done

FYSA: she has done this before and was verbally counseled
Posted in these groups: P542 APFTF9fb8d7b Chain of CommandNgwastacked AGR
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Responses: 5
CSM Geologist
Sir, unfortunately, this is nothing new and actually quite common. I suspect it is an APFT card that reflects dreams instead of actual events. First, she was told she had to wait 30 days. This Soldier does not tell her First Line Leader what she will do - it is the other way around. Counseling - with points of disobeying an order and the Fairytale APFT card - which is useful to know she is ready at the 30 day mark to retest for a record APFT.
MSG Human Resources Specialist
MSG (Join to see)
9 y
CSM Baldwin is correct. May I add, counsel the Soldier and give the APFT in 30 days as directed. Consider the APFT that the Soldier took without permission as invalid and put that in writing. Inform the Soldier that further disobedience will be reflected in their NCOER. Personnel note: Some AGRs will try to mislead their chain of command that they are regular AD Soldiers. They are in fact TPU Soldiers on AD orders and can be removed from such orders if the situation merits it. Misconduct and poor evaluations merit removal from the AGR program.
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LTC Thomas Tennant
You have not given me enough information to advise. As an "Old UA" and later Senior Mil Tech, I can say the devil is in the details. I would also say that leadership boils down to establishing relationships....regardless if the Soldier is TPU, AGR, MilTech or AC. If you do not have a solid relationship with the Soldier, you ability to lead that Soldier is shaky.
My questions are:
1. Are you in her direct chain of command/supervision?
2. If she is not in your chain, why didn't she take the APFT with her unit of assignment?
3. Is she on her "first tour" and has she been counseled that her first tour is probationary in nature?
4. Since this is not her first APFT failure where are the written counseling?
Now, since apparently your CO has already "handled" the situation, as a former BC, I would be asking both you and your CO what are your action plans to better lead this Soldier. If not addressed soon, failure to address these behavior issues only hurt the AGR Program as a whole. Do not pass a problem on to the next command assignment. Final point, document, document, document....if only to protect yourself form any nefarious allegations.
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SFC First Sergeant
Sir, from what I can gather from the above you have a more serious issue on your hands than just the APFT.

There is only one chain of command. A Company Commander who is in TPU status is the Commander period. The same goes for 1SGs, PLs, and PSGs. There is only one Chain of Command and NCO Support Channel and its comprised of Reservists in TPU and AGR status, both status' in one chain.

The Soldier works for the unit they are assigned to period. If the Soldier is assigned to your unit then they are your Soldier. Reference the Unit Manning Roster (UMR) you can see the paragraph and line numbers and that the position is coded for AGR.

Something is not right here.
SFC First Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
On a separate note the USAR AGR and ARNG AGR are administrated separately. We have different terminology and a different way of operating. Drilling reservists are in TPU status where as Drilling ARNG Soldiers are in M-Day status. ARNG AGRs could possibly be detailed away from there unit of assignment to carry out their AGR duties. This is not the case for USAR AGR Soldiers. If HRC wanted the Soldier working with a different unit they would have assigned them there.

As for the daily duties of a USAR AGR Soldier they have their MTOE position dictated my their para and line number and they will also have additional duties. Training NCOs are a prime example of this. In most Army Reserve units the AGR training NCO is in a PSG position. PSG is their position and Training NCO is their additional duty. For a USAR AGR to be detailed to another unit beyond 60 days HRC must be involved.

I hope this information responds to your concerns
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