Posted on Mar 29, 2018
SSG Jeffrey Leake
CJ Grisham, President of Open Carry Texas, Army veteran and recent candidate for State Representative in District 55, along with a couple of other people was arrested yesterday in Olmos Park, TX (Bexar County). He was tazed and subsequently injured in that arrest with a head injury and was hospitalized. I was told that the head injury was a large gash on the back of the head. He also suffered numerous scrapes on his wrists and arms.

Grisham and crew were legally opening carrying pistols and long guns in response to an event last week when an Olmos Park police officer drew guns on and detained someone with a protest sign solely for the reason of open carrying a pistol (which turned out to be a training fake).

Grisham had a phone conversation with the Olmos Park Police Chief, Rene Valenciano about their policies, etc. in which the chief seemed entirely unconcerned with his officers illegally detaining people for a perfectly legal activity. (The conversation will be linked in the comments below).

Grisham and crew went to Olmos Park yesterday and were legally and peacefully open carrying and got arrested for it. There is a video of the arrest. There was no articulated probable cause for the arrest. The police showed up, including Chief Valenciano and ordered Grisham and his crew to the ground. Grisham at least refused. It was Valenciano that personally tazed and arrested Grisham.

Between the phone call and video from the site, it's very clear this was an illegal arrest by an oath breaking police officer and they will be held accountable.
Posted in these groups: Open carry logo Open Carry7c2cc64 Bexar County
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Responses: 432
SPC Ron Salsbury
A peaceful demonstration, legally caring a firearm in an area not marked no weapons permitted, and no probable cause for detainment being expressed, the chief of police illegally tazed this man without provocation and most likely violated his Miranda rights as well. With no video from either on-lookers or police chest camera's, as a Judge, I would look at this issue with serious suspicion, and ask the Chief and officers involved what was their reasoning for such an attack? I would also ask for all cell phones confiscated by law enforcement to view any and all video evidence, or look into the cell phones Cloud account download by any witness' who has captured said illegal action by all involved , making recommendations to the City Council for swift removal from office of all involved.
SSG Jeffrey Leake
SSG Jeffrey Leake
5 y
SSG Jeffrey Leake
SSG Jeffrey Leake
5 y
SPC Ron Salsbury, this is one of the videos of the arrest. The other is a voice recorded call between Grisham and the Chief prior to the conflict.
SPC Ron Salsbury
SPC Ron Salsbury
5 y
The video is incriminating against the Grisham, he feels he is exercising his right to open carry, but I would agree at this point the boundary is being pushed with the law enforcement officers. They maybe within their rights, but why bring attention to ones self in public unless you are looking to make a statement. This is why I prefer to carry concealed, it puts the criminal on edge to play victim roulette trying to figure out whom they may want to have a conflict with. Thank you for sharing the video, because I was unable to find or get anything to play before posting. As a Gun Shop owner, this is not the kind of attention we need to bring forward to maintain our rights.
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SGT Ronald Blansett
I don't know where the chief of Police was the time of the incident. Clearly he was clearly present
but where was his fogged mind? Where had he been before the arrest? All military who served should
let it be know to all the idiots involved. Start with a notice in the local newspaper that all who have served will no longer shop in this biased town. Meeting with the Mayor, council members and others to let them know, it is total unacceptable and will not be tolerated! 1st time, shame on me
SSG Jeffrey Leake
SSG Jeffrey Leake
5 y
The sad thing is, Grisham and the Chief had a phone conversation prior to this incident. Grisham stated his intentions. To me, the Chief over reacted. There have been prior incidents in this county involving both parties, as well as others. A lot of people told me that they steer clear of Bexar county.
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SFC Thomas Howes
The chief must have been a democrat and a lib
SSG Jeffrey Leake
SSG Jeffrey Leake
5 y
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SFC Jim Ruether
Edited 5 y ago
When good people make mistakes they should be punished, but after hearing and seeing the video our good First Sergeant is plainly taunting the police officers and they are committing Assault using their mouths to escalate this into a physical confrontation.

These police officers and their chief may have been determined to punish someone when they arrived. Simply checking their I.D.'s would have or should have defused the situation and they could have left the scene and returned to their station.

A licensed open carry individual who happens to be the President of Texas Open Carry and a First Sergeant in the Army should never have been so foolish. He should be setting the good example and not try to make more of it than it is.

His conversation with the Chief of Police was a civil one the day before all this happened and the Chief reiterated several times that his department recognizes the Open Carry Law in Texas. That being said these officers maybe don't know this Grisham from any other citizen in their town.

His taunting and provocative behavior was a veiled threat to these officers and I would have arrested him too! When two or more of his Open Carry Members are taunting those same officers from several different directions I would feel the threat too.

This Chief may have made this whole thing an issue when they went to the park to arrest this group. If you are cooperative with an officer and not a threat generally they won't even cuff you or zip tie your wrists.

They may temporarily take your handgun to remove any perceived or real threat but then return it later after everything is cleared up.

Grisham is an Combat Qualified First Sergeant in his unit and should be above reproach with a whole tool box full of common sense. He should know better than to push a police officer in any situation. Same for the idiot in his group walking around with a rifle.

The frontier has slipped into history and all of you self proclaimed buffalo hunters and Wyatt Earps better pay attention. If a lawman sees you as a potential threat to his person or others he may not give you the chance to pull your I.D. especially if you are hollering and taunting him from across the street. It won't be some twenty paces at high noon when he pulls his weapon first and drops you

Carry concealed Grisham and the rest of you. It gives you the advantage in a gunfight if the other guy doesn't know you are carrying and the police department will patrol with less concern than when you have Matt Dillon's Single Action Colt's Peacemaker on your hip.
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SP5 Dave Westbury
Just like any profession, there are a lot of bad cops on the job.
SSG Jeffrey Leake
SSG Jeffrey Leake
5 y
Unfortunately, I agree. They make it harder for the other officers trying to do their job.
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CPT Phil Bronner
Sounds like the City of Olmos has money to burn....they need to be sued to the maximum extent allowed by law. That Chief needs to be fired, as well as sued for vicarious liability (which would extend up the Chain of Command to the individual(s) in city government who hired, and continue to employ him!)
We have open carry in Oregon. I open carry every day I'm out in public. I also usually shop and dine in establishments that respect the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and basic human rights.
Either the Chief has an agenda...or is ignorant of the very laws he swore an oath to uiphold.
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LTC James McElreath
It looks like someone promoted a dumb ass to police chief.
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SPC Donn Sinclair
This subject's a minefield, not just Texas but pretty much everywhere. Let me say this up front, should you choose to OC, that's on you, I'm OK with it. That said, I've never met an OC advocate that didn't have an attitude, as evidenced by the leader of this demonstration refusing to comply with police orders. Second, OC'ing a handgun is one thing, and AR/AK or a tactical shotgun is something else. I don't know your experience, level of training, or mental health. Are you proficient, or a mall ninja who gets off dressing up like Rambo. While I don't endorse the police response the OP lays out, were they responding to calls from the community, or acting on their own. Had the group complied, then taken their case to court, there might've been a better outcome, certainly would've saved some bumps & bruises.
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PO1 Jeffrey Pennala
I followed this situation closely, one of the factors that heavily influenced the police in Olmos Park were a the large segment of the local community are newly arrived residents from California and New York. All the failed policies they are fleeing they are trying to impose on their new community. The police chief being being a politician first and foremost pandered to them creating the situation they have now. In the next few years Texas is really going to be challenged by the influx of the liberally minded quasi-socialist which are flocking there in great numbers escaping states like CA, IL and NY. I have the same fears for FL and TN along with any other low tax freedom loving states that they will be flooded with national socialist minded folks (dare I say true NAZI's) as the states and cities they are fleeing crumble around them and they are taxed out of their homes and property and watching the moral decay destroy what is left in the wake of their progressive agenda.
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SGT Jim Sharon
The courts will decide who was at fault in this incident. I may be an anomaly since I grew up dirt poor from the country and we had firearms around us all the time. During my military time including a tour of Vietnam being around firearms was second nature to me and didn't cause any alarm except when the enemy had them and sent rounds my way intending harm. This caused some undue stress especially when the rounds were 81MM and got too darn close. I also made my life career as a police officer and have been around firearms my entire life. I kept my issued firearm in a closet and raised two sons who never touched or bothered it. Gun safety and explaining to them the do's and don't of guy safety were very important. My sons are now in their 30's and safe and familiar with guys. I'm not familiar with Texas law but know There are federal, state laws and local ordinances. Local agencies can enact laws such as making it illegal to open carry firearms say in a city building or school. While being very PRO gun my advise would be to get the local law repealed and THEN open carry. I've seen so many people, police officers included over reacting to an incident and it almost always leads to problems. I may not agree with your rule of not drinking or carrying a cigar in your house but I'll respect your decision and honor it. If I can't talk you out of your rule I'll either respect it or not visit. Protest those city officials, sign petitions, go door to door and respectfully let the voters know the good and bad and get the law changed and THEN open carry. Of course as the old saying goes, opinions are like butt holes everybody's got one.
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