Posted on Aug 29, 2015
I just got orders to attend Fort Jackson leadership academy to become an AIT Platoon Sergeant. Does anyone have any advice?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Do your best, and you might want to read TRADOC Regulation 350-6 before you get there. TRADOC is a very different world than being on the line brother!
After doing three years as an AIT PSG for a platoon that ranged from 200-220 Soldiers, my biggest price of advice is building rapport. A lot of my peers went in guns blazing and lost control of the herd. You don't have to be soft but build them up together. Once they get the team mentality your job will be easier since they will begin to self correct some issues before you have to.
Remember what didn't work when you were a recruit/trainee and don't repeat that behavior. In order to get through to a large group you must inspire them. Think about your ultimate mentor and be that guy. Good luck and Semper Fidelis.
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