Posted on Sep 29, 2016
I'm reenlisting for the need of army, are there duty station needs NCO's or MOS? Can anyone tell me anything
Does anyone know anything?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
'Needs of the Army' basically keeps you in place for now in your current MOS, but being a SGT you will become a prime candidate for DA selection as a detailed recruiter, which is always a need of the Army. Not saying that will happen, but needs of the Army is any assignment that you are qualified to fill. Detailed recruiting is not a MOS reclassification, its a special duty, so you retain your MOS. A "needs of the Army" re-enlistment as an NCO makes you available for assignment to that billet.
What you need to do is contact a career counselor before you just sign the dotted line. Go somewhere you like if possible, do something you want to do. Don't let the army dictate where it sends you. There are options, you just have to put in a little leg work to do it.
Everyone I knew that had re-enlisted for "needs of the army" all ended up at a duty station that the army needed someone of their MOS and their rank. So, I would safely guess it's all of the above. But certainly ask your Retention NCO for clarification.
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