Posted on Nov 27, 2021
I’m serving on my state’s Army National Guard promotion board next month. Anyone have any insight or advice?
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Posted 3 y ago
Responses: 3
Something I’ve noticed on active duty is that the leaders on the board love to promote based on performance rather than potential so we get the studs at doing things, but suck at leading soldiers.
Read your state's Enlisted Promotion System MOI now.
Read the parts of AR 600-8-19 that it refers to now.
Your state CSM will give the charge (guidance and instructions) and G1 will be there to help out.
You are looking at the NCOERs, 1059s, mil and civ ed, awards, etc on everyone.
90% of what you need to know is in those NCOERs and 1059s.
Read the parts of AR 600-8-19 that it refers to now.
Your state CSM will give the charge (guidance and instructions) and G1 will be there to help out.
You are looking at the NCOERs, 1059s, mil and civ ed, awards, etc on everyone.
90% of what you need to know is in those NCOERs and 1059s.
Read between the lines. Not everything bad is documented. Lots of fluff out there, lots of "meets standard" comments out there for the sake of it because documentation couldn't support a referred evaluation.
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Same applies, read the MOI and the AR, your BN or BDE CSM will give the charge, and your BN/BDE S1 section will be there to help out with questions.
You are still looking at potential, so there should be SPC evaluation forms to see.