Posted on Dec 14, 2021
SPC Driver
I’m currently going through a meb/peb. Just came back last week that I am unfit for duty, my immediate chain(Team Leader/ Squad leader) seem to be unhappy about that and are looking for ways for counselings and to be put up for another article 15( as my squad leader wrote mine last year and spoke to my PSG and 1sg about getting my order canceled. Which they did) is there anyway at this far into my MEB that they can put me up for an article 15? Or try to separate if so? Thank you in advance.
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Responses: 7
SFC Casey O'Mally
You are subject to UCMJ right up until your final day. So yes, they can Article 15 you if you deserve one.

As far as chapter goes, if they want to separate you for pattern of misconduct or other similar negative chapter, both separations will be processed, it will go to the General, and he will decide which separation proceeds.

The easiest answer is don't give them reason to give you an article 15.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You can definitely get another Article 15 up until you're separated.

You're already being separated so there's no purpose in that. Depending on how far along you are, it's not worth trying. But if MEB isn't very far then both are processed at the same time and your CG selects whether you'll receive the admin separation or the MEB
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Edited 3 y ago've already received an Article 15 prior. FYI, Your Commander gave you the 15, your NCOs only recommend. But I digress.

Depending on what the situation is that possibly warrants an Article 15, then yea the Commander can administer one to you. The Army has your six until the day you ETS. Now, if I were a betting man....having read between the lines of your question, once could surmise that you have shown a pattern of misconduct and are hoping the medical board will save you from getting papers. They will not. Only papers that can save you from another Article 15 is your DD 214 and Discharge orders in hand.

But....I have to ask....why is your Chain looking to give you an Article 15.....again?
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