Posted on Sep 7, 2016
If active SM opts to stay with old retirement system & transitions to reserve after 2018 do they stay under old or new retirement system?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I was just reading up on this. If the SM is over 12 years, they stay with the old system. Under 12 years, they have choice. New folks after 2018 have the new system to contend with.

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"If active SM opts to stay with old retirement system" - stays with the old system. Only new accessions after 1 Jan 2018 (PEBD 1 Jan 2018 or later) are automatically enrolled in the new system.
LTC Stephen B.
Also, the opt-in to change systems has to be done during 2017. Whatever system you're in on 1 Jan 2018 is the one you will carry to the end of your career, even if you change components or change Services.
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