Posted on Jun 17, 2014
CPT Student

ISIS has taken over media in a way unprecedented by terrorist groups. Now other terrorist groups are claiming support for ISIS. Should Congress declare war on ISIS? Can you even declare a state of war against an ideology? If you were President how would you stop the spread of ISIS?
Posted in these groups: Imgres DeploymentMultinational force iraq emblem  mnf i   1 5 IraqIsis logo ISISAl qaeda logo Al Qaeda
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 72
Lt Col Fred Marheine, PMP
First, great question / topic PFC Eric Minchey. I'm really torn on this.

Constitutionally, I believe the answer is yes - a declaration of war from the Congress is necessary / appropriate, both to gain the endorsement of the "people's representatives" and to put the rest of the world on notice: those nation-states who give material support to this enemy will be considered their allies and be subject to our retribution. I think it might also help communicate to the public the gravity of this situation in a way I don't think the majority understand. It may also result in a decision to NOT declare war - which I think would be enormously important in bringing to a head the ongoing abuses of Constitutional authorities and violations of the checks and balances between the branches of government.

Operationally, I agree with others that declaring a state of war against a bunch of barbarians without borders espousing their version of "ideas" has no immediate effect. I also am extremely troubled at investing the Executive branch - and especially this administration - with war powers / decision-making. I simply don't trust them to not use theses authorities against their political opponents under the cloak of "fighting ISIS, wherever they exist."

Ultimately, I come down on the side of following the Constitution: if we intend to prosecute an extended, overt military campaign, Congress should declare a state of war. I would want Congress to demand regular oversight / updates and to hold the executive accountable for successfully prosecuting the campaign - pipe-dreams, I fear. Nevertheless, I think it is the correct approach. For the record, I believe Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan (to name the most obvious) all fall into this bucket as well.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
PFC Eric Minchey

Although some refuse to admit or believe that ISIS is an entity, they think they are (and so do I) and, as such, I think Congress should declare war on them and bring everything we have to bear to destroy them. It is obvious that the President will continue to play lip-service to the ISIS threat and that Congress will need to stand up and take the action necessary to end this reign of terror. The longer we wait, the stronger and more emboldened they get.
SFC Steven Harvey
SFC Steven Harvey
>1 y

May I ask what the final outcome would be in such an action? We have seen what Iraq and the Stan look like after a decade of occupation.

It could be debated that our actions post 9/11 gave rise to ISIS so forgive me if I am not eager to go right back over there when victory is nothing short of a vague theory on what success is.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
SFC Steven Harvey

Not the best answer, I know, but all I can say is that the final outcome should be the total annihilation of ISIS. Tough to measure, but success would be defined as an end to their reign of terror. Will that stop terrorism? Absolutely not, no more than decimating the drug cartels will stop drug dealers. However, it would result in taking away the command and control and organized groups of terrorists that are getting stronger and more violent every day.

ISIS is not just a criminal element/terrorist organization. It is an Army, with leadership, money, goals and objectives. We have to treat them as such and defeat them with an Army (and other services) that can give back everything and more that they can throw at us.

No easy answers to this, however, one thing is clear... We can't defeat them by doing what we are doing now.

As far as your going back there, if we continue to do nothing, they will save you the trip and be on your own turf. Of that, I am positive.
SFC Steven Harvey
SFC Steven Harvey
>1 y
The acts they do are absolutely inhuman and despicable there is no question.

However as someone who fully supports the 9/11 Commision Report findings regarding blowback I simply can't help but be concerned about the consequences of our actions.

Not that what I say matters but if it were my call I wouldn't do anything unless I had the support of every other country on the planet (military & financial support), a full declaration of war from Congress and a clear and well understood definition of what our plan for victory is.
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