Posted on Feb 5, 2014
Interested to hear your story about a stranger paying for your meal.
I was in a Taco Bell Drive through a few years ago. I placed my order at the speaker, and waited my turn behind a few cars ahead of me. When I got to the window the cashier explained that a gentleman in a pick-up truck a few vehicles ahead of me (now gone) had paid for my meal, after seeing my Airborne and Infantry stickers on my window. People can be so generous and appreciative, and we're lucky to live in a Country where a large part of the population values our service. My largest regret here is that I couldn't even thank the kind gentleman as he had already driven off.
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 2
Similar thing happened when I was eating with my dad at a restaurant when I was younger. He wasn't wearing anything that distinguished him as a veteran, but I think he was telling me some story about his service. Anyway, when he asked for the bill, our waiter said it had already been taken care of by an anonymous customer, and said customer asked the waiter to thank my dad for his service.
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