If elected members of congress are taking bribes, err campaign contributions from an Iranian Lobby before the vote of the "iranian deal" should they be brought up on corruption charges? Recently, the president of Guatemala was jailed on corruption charges. Why doesn't our justice dept fight real corruption.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
PO3 Steven Sherrill
History of the World, Caesar's Palace.
Entire "Main Room" of Caesar's Palace from Mel Brooks' History of the World
SFC Mark Merino, seeing that reminded me of a scene from Mel Brooks' History of the World Part I: Skip to 6:40 in the clip.
Cpl (Join to see)
SSgt (Join to see) I'm all in favor of term limits in both the House and the Senate. I'm sick of this crap!
1SG (Join to see)
Ditto! Time stop these greedy pieces of crap from making a career out of politics. Have a real job and be one of the people before you get to speak for them.
Well that is par for the course. Money buying votes and if not , well it sure has hell looks like it! It is a sad thing to see. Good post!
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