Posted on Mar 13, 2016
Is Donald Trump instilling hate or fear? As A Nation should we be concerned?
List of terror attacks since 9/11. . I am looking for more info on this subject. If you have any. Please share. Thanks.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 11
Just like PO2 Ed C. said the hatred and fear has always been there. Trump is the perfect guy who can harness that energy and get ahead in the polls.
He created a persona that will make him "that guy" that is not afraid to speak his mind, and it started working. He's a businessman and he found a "product" to sell and a way to sell it, his candidacy. It's what successful businessman do to be successful.
The problem is that the United States is not a business, it is a Constitutional Republic, and is very much different than a "business model". The head of a corporation can dictate what the corporation does. The President of the United States is sworn to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution, and in so is a servant of the people; definitely not the ruler.
Donald Trump does not instill hate and fear; he exploits them. As an opinion, he knows very little about our government and how it operates. He is making promises of building walls and making the countries that they will seperate us from pay for them, with the threat of military force or a nuclear attack.
He talks about "negotiating a better deal" with other countries as if Vladimir Putin were a businessman. The flaw in that theory is that Trump has never faced death, nor had to sit with a killer and try to negotiate a "good deal".
Putin is not a businessman, he is a warrior and a leader. I'm not saying I like or am a fan of Putin, I'm just saying that he will be a totally different animal in negotiations, and our next President better know full well exactly how our Constitution and our Country functions, and exactly what powers he is given.
Once again, he is not instilling hate or fear, he is exploiting it.
The problem is that the United States is not a business, it is a Constitutional Republic, and is very much different than a "business model". The head of a corporation can dictate what the corporation does. The President of the United States is sworn to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution, and in so is a servant of the people; definitely not the ruler.
Donald Trump does not instill hate and fear; he exploits them. As an opinion, he knows very little about our government and how it operates. He is making promises of building walls and making the countries that they will seperate us from pay for them, with the threat of military force or a nuclear attack.
He talks about "negotiating a better deal" with other countries as if Vladimir Putin were a businessman. The flaw in that theory is that Trump has never faced death, nor had to sit with a killer and try to negotiate a "good deal".
Putin is not a businessman, he is a warrior and a leader. I'm not saying I like or am a fan of Putin, I'm just saying that he will be a totally different animal in negotiations, and our next President better know full well exactly how our Constitution and our Country functions, and exactly what powers he is given.
Once again, he is not instilling hate or fear, he is exploiting it.
Claudia Silva
Thank you for your service SGT Thorin and thank you for posting this, I wish more people would see Donald Trump for who he is.
PO1 Kerry French
I am so mortified that he is the only Republican left with an active campaign. Just for the record, he does NOT NOT NOT represent the Republican party values!!! He doesn't even know that health care and education is the responsibility of the states and NOT the federal government. UGH!!! I want to crawl under a rock!!
SGT Michael Thorin
PO1 Kerry French - To me, the saddest part of this entire campaign is that it seems to have reduced the quest for the office of the POTUS down to the equivilant of a cheap reality TV show.
PO1 Kerry French
SGT Michael Thorin - For REAL!!! And what is even sadder than that is that it reflects the state of the electorate! Headline knowledge - that's it! Uneducated!
I have a friend who is running for the House of Representatives against a well-entrenched member of the GOP establishment. The party is doing everything in its power to dissuade him. The local newspapers and even the local bloggers are afraid to support him. He came up with a great tagline for his campaign: "The Marine vs The Machine". He has turned to me for advice and I told him that it was my opinion that he should attack the party. We need someone in Washington representing us, not them. Basically, I have advised him to do what Donald Trump is doing. I expect that he too will be attacked for playing on hatred and fear. Actually, my advice is to use the anger, just a Trump is doing. The GOP had some better candidates but they have been falling like flies. Why? They tried to be reasonable. We left "reasonville" a while ago. It's going to take a revolution to turn this mess around. Hopefully, we can mount a successful revolution with words, otherwise...
PO1 Aaron Baltosser
Although he will face a stiff fight, I hope he is successful. We need more Veterans in Congress.
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