Posted on Jul 16, 2018
Is it possible to go both blue and green side as a Navy corpsman?
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I want to be a corpsman and I would prefer to go green side but I don't want to miss out on being on an aircraft carrier or other large ship, it's what is drawing me to the Navy to begin with.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Well, our green side doc's deployed with us. As Marines we go on MEU's aboard ships. The doc's need to come too.
PO3 David Fries
Still counted as Green side though, since the Corpsman were attached to your unit, not to the ship.
Absolutely. I was both Green and Blue side over my career. When you are close to finishing "A" school, you should have the opportunity to write down where you want to go. Granted you are not guaranteed those duty stations unless you are the top student in your class and the command has an opening. Good luck.
it is possible, but you will probably have to obligate more service, talk with your detailer when you are up for orders next.
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