Posted on May 11, 2017
Is it regular for an Army reserve unit to put random occupations in the soldier's HRC personal profile?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 2
Become part of the solution as you move up, enforce the standards, and support others who do.
This was my Unit Admin's response when I wanted my false occupation fixed:
Occupation we put something random for everyone, no one is what they really do unless they actually gave us a job title it was messing up the numbers so we were advised by BN to just choose any occupation.
Occupation we put something random for everyone, no one is what they really do unless they actually gave us a job title it was messing up the numbers so we were advised by BN to just choose any occupation.
SSG Dennis Mendoza
CSM Eric Biggs - majorly of my service has been active duty my career hasn't been as successful as yours 1SG but it truly has been a bad experience this last two years while serving in the reserves. Reason why I submitted a conditional release packet so I can return to active duty component.
CSM Eric Biggs
Sometimes there are just shitty leaders in units, and it makes high speed Soldiers very irritated. Go where your happy and your career will progress quickly.
SSG Dennis Mendoza
CSM Eric Biggs - I know nothing is perfect but from affiliating into the reserves from active duty/retention NCO making an error on my ability on my bonus to multiple witnessing AR violations, and some leadership using their rank/position to benefit themselves for their ncoer it's discouraging and disgusting to me.
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