Posted on Nov 8, 2014
SSG(P) Instructor
Statue of liberty immigration
In 1776, in a fraction of one sentence written into the Declaration of Independence was stated the real American Revolution, the new idea, and it was this: “that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” That was it. This is the essence of Americanism. This is the rock upon which the whole “American miracle” was founded.

If this is what our country was founded why are we resisting immigration and amnesty? These are people that want a better life...and come to America to get it. Have we forgot what it means to be an American...or has Americanism taken a new meaning: excluding anyone that is not American? What about, "give us your hungry, give us your poor"? We were all immigrants (except Natives) and our Southern border Mexicans are more native than we will ever be. (We, as in Caucasians) This topic will probably strike a nerve for many folks...but it is up for discussion, and I'm curious to see how you all feel about immigration, and amnesty?
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Responses: 23
SPC James Mcneil
In your question you said this. "If this is what our country was founded why are we resisting immigration and amnesty? These are people that want a better life...and come to America to get it."

I have to point out a couple of issues I see. I have not seen anyone resisting the base issue of immigration. I have seen people resisting *illegal immigration* and I am one of them. There are legal ways to come to this country. If a person (no matter the circumstance) chooses to ignore the laws of this country, then they should be dealt with in accordance with the law. Period.
Do I resist amnesty? Yes. I find it funny that many of the people that are pro-amnesty bring up that Reagan did so. Hey, because I like him as a president doesn't mean I agree with everything he did. And I still resist amnesty. To me, it's pretty much saying "Go ahead and break our laws. We'll forgive you." Forgiveness is not the role of the government.

All of that was the first point. My second point is that we as a nation are not capable of taking care of the rest of the world. We should be focused on taking care of our own first. As long as we are not doing that, we should not be taking care of the rest of the world, especially uninvited guests in our own home.
SSG(P) Instructor
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I disagree you on the taking care of the world. We have been the Worlds Police Force since early 20th century. We have our fingers on everything and everyone. We'd rather send a few million to Somalia or Bangladesh than New Orleans or Detroit. Our country has its priorities all screwed up.
SPC James Mcneil
SPC James Mcneil
>1 y
You say we have been. I'm saying we shouldn't be.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
SSG(P) (Join to see)

I think that the difference in opinions stem from the difference between "legal immigration" and "illegal immigration".

Our country has always welcomed immigrants who do so in accordance with the laws of our country. I certainly think that is still the case. We should not allow people to enter our country in any manner contrary to our laws. Those who do are criminals, plain and simple,

Amnesty, in essence, rewards those who broke the law, which simply encourages others to do so, as well. It is really no difference than looking the other way and "forgiving" people who have broken other laws and giving them "do over".

The practical matter, however, is that we have millions of illegal immigrants in our country. There is no real way to identify, round up, and deport all of them. Plus, without securing the borders, they will simply come back, along with many more, as is happening every day.

I am opposed to blanket amnesty, but I do think that we need to come up with a plan for dealing with the illegal immigration issue in our country. We must first start by securing the border. It is the old adage, "the first thing you have to do to get out of a hole is to stop digging". We have to turn the water off before we can drain the sink.

We then need to identify the illegals (maybe an "amnesty from prosecution" by turning themselves in), determine what the penalty would be (fine, back taxes, whatever), issue a work permit and allow them to begin the process of citizenship (but not ahead of those who are already in the process legally). To avoid deportation, they must work, pay taxes, not be on public support of any kind, and not be arrested for any violations. Failure to meet those requirements would result in immediate deportation. Any illegals caught after the "amnesty period" who had not registered fore the process above, would be arrested and deported. Anybody arrested, deported, and arrested after entering the country illegally again, would be subject to a prison sentence, before being deported again.
LTC Eric Coger
LTC Eric Coger
>1 y
Standing for equality in what way? Equal outcomes? OR equal legal opportunities, and is that for US citizenss or for the world? I think we have to really get at the root of the issues and isolate them and discuss them and then form a coherent policy and strategy with regards to all.
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PO1 Steven Kuhn
All men are created equal and have the right to the pursuit of happiness, but not at the expense of violating our laws or becoming a burden on the taxpayers of the United States of America. If we can violate laws to ensure our own personal happiness, what is to stop us from rape, theft, and murder to obtain things that do not belong to us? I believe that America has been enriched by the influx of immigrants who want to assimilate themselves into the culture of our great nation, but not if they want to change it into a semblance of the tyranny and oppression they left. In becoming legal citizens and entering our country following our laws they take an oath forsaking the country they left behind in support of the one they are coming to. If they build on a foundation of breaking our laws, I see it as only getting worse. There are two reasons that our border is unsecure and allowing millions of illegal immigrants across our border. One is to weaken America from within by straining a welfare and medical support system that is already falling apart. Also, many dangerous and radical Muslims and Mexican drug runners are being accompanied across our border by the Mexican army. That is an act of war, yet our C-I-C has done nothing to stem the influx of illegal aliens. It is hard enough for people to get a job, and many have stopped trying. Secondly, and more to the point, these illegal aliens who are granted citizenship (while others have been legally waiting for years) are going to be indebted to the political party that facilitated their entry and their ability to get care and benefits. Democrats. So, this is more of a far-sighted plan (especially in lieu of recent elections) to guarantee the supremacy of the Democratic political party also. Only in America will the government take money from those who work hard every day of their lives and give it to those who do not want to. Many immigrants coming over want to work. All of them will be given money and aid we cannot afford to give in the hopes of future votes.


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We need to remember, Texas Supplied Mexicans to fight the Civil War...
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MAJ Asst. Tcm Lift Cargo
I'm all for immigration. Lawful, immigration. All of the instances that you cite are lawful immigration(or lawful at the time). Yes, the means for lawful immigration into our country is long, arduous, and a nightmare at times, but that does not mean that people can just do whatever they want. My ancestors and likely your ancestors had to enter the country legally. The real question is legal vs. illegal immigration.

If we're going to talk about government infringement upon life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I hardly think that illegal immigration is the place to start. In fact, I think it's way down on the list of infringements.
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SSgt E/E Craftsman
I'm resistant to illegal immigration; yes, we're a country built on immigrants. But because of what we stand for, freedom, equality, it was taken as a come one-come all type scenerio. Now we have measures in place that allow people to come here legally, yet people take advantage and come here illegally. I understand its costly in some situations, but honestly; we have enough of our own poor, sick, and downtrodden, so why do we want everyone elses? We have a hard enough time providing jobs, services, and food for our own, what makes you think we can provide for you as well if you don't become a useful member of society? Immigration's a rough topic, but I welcome everyone with open arms, but if your here illegally your a drain on our resources, you don't pay taxes, and you take jobs away from tax payers.
SSG(P) Instructor
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I read some where that our government makes so much money on illegals, this was the scenario: they come here, get a tax paying job, yes, illegals pay taxes, but they rarely file for a return. Yes, an illegal can file for a tax return, but they don't, probably out of fear. So they money sits in our coffers accruing...and it's not a few hundred thousand dollars, it's millions of dollars. I'll see if I can find a link for you. But to shoot a hole in your statement--yes they do pay taxes. Do all of them, probably not, but that's not their fault, that's their employers fault. He is only hurting himself.
SSG(P) Instructor
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....and how many jobs are immigrants taking? Landscapers, cooks, fast food, construction? Hell our own society doesn't want to work that hard...I'm gonna say something that may blow your mind...we need immigrants. They take jobs we don't want to do. Ask any teenager, they'd rather work at AT&T than Burger King. They'd rather work as a waiter then a gas station. Our kids our lazy. At least they are willing to work, well, most of them. I can't speak for all of them. If we could document them as illegal and track them and get taxes from them, would you change your mind?
SSgt E/E Craftsman
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In which case they would be on work visas, much like many of the Jamaicians I worked with many summers ago when I was a college kid working a resort. I see your point SSG(P) (Join to see), but I disagree wholeheartedly. Yes, they take the jobs we don't want... and by we, I mean your average guy. But hell, look at that show Dirty Jobs; those are normal people working some pretty icky ass jobs. There are those out there that want jobs, but can't find them. Top it off with all these welfare programs which illegals are even finding ways to benefit from... So yes, if they apply for work visas, come here and work, then sure, why not? As to your "they pay taxes", how? If they're under the table workers (which I knew many people who did this in college, it was cheaper for the employer as well) then how are they paying into taxes? they can't legally be on a pay roll, because then the company on paper is breaking the law. They don't have a social, so how can they try and claim taxes? So no, the government itself doesn't profit, but those who work for the government do. Many senators get kick backs from companies who want this kind of labor, and many own companies that do. Sad to say but I've seen firsthand what these kind of workers do to areas and how it effects the economy as well as living conditions... sitting for 9 hours in an urgent care is no fun.
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I was a Mexican for every Summer until I went into the Marines. I can appreciate hard work for decent pay. I do not appreciate hard work for little pay, yet I went into Recon...I guess I didn't learn. This is what drove me to go to college...I wanted something better for myself.
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SFC Platoon Sergeant
Immigration is fully supported by the laws of this country. But I think what you are talking about is illegal immigration. And no I do not agree with illegal immigration, it has nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence or what is written at Ellis Island. It has to do with the law and the proper, responsible way to do something. There are a lot of people in other countries that have done the paperwork and are waiting there place in line to come to America, then there are some folks that are close enough to just cheat the system, what do you think is right there?

How about all the people the illegally immigrate to the US ever year just band together and fix whatever problems they are running away from in their country of origin. And there are plenty of non-cauasians that think the way "immigrate" is being done on our southern boarder is a problem.
SSgt E/E Craftsman
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Couldn't agree more SFC (Join to see)
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PO1 Steven Kuhn
The only problem with your excellent train of thought is that we have laws regarding immigration. My wife became an American citizen the legal way. If immigrants show no respect for our laws at the very start, what makes you think they will respect any other laws? Also, our economy cannot support the people we have. Illegal immigrants strain our weak systems. Also this whole amnesty thing is a ploy by one political party to make future members out of these illegal immigrants in the interest of future votes. Lastly, look at all the drugs, cartel members, and radical Islamic members who have snuck in. Our unsecured border is an intentional attack designed to weaken the country we love!


SSG(P) Instructor
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Our Souther border is a seive....What a waste of Border Patrol dollars, put the National Guard Deon there. Rotate them in like deplyments.
SSG(P) Instructor
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Great minds think alike Sir! Proactive instead of reactive.
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SSG (ret) William Martin
You know, I think the U.S. Government cares more about undocumented immigrants than Veterans. On the subject, though, document the criminal undocumented immigrants and send them back. For the rest of the undocumented immigrants, they can earn their way to staying in this great nation, and learn to speak English.
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Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
I am all for equality... if their citizens come to our country, earn money and send 90% back to the countries they are from, I think our citizens should be able to do the same, t hat's equality, right? Sadly,they can't. Americans illegally in other countries, such as Mexico, will have long prision terms... not simply deportation. The percentage of Americans who do not survive these prison terms is quite high.
You keep saying Immigrants, but you keep leaving out the one word that DC wants us to forget... ILLEGAL.
To allow all these people to stay without any consequences, is a slap in the face to those who are doing all the right things, and working to earn their citizenship. Imagine, if you were on a job, you were giving this job the best you could do, and working hard to get to that corner office, when suddenly someone who hasn't done any of the work, just walks right in front of you, and makes themselves at home in that office you wanted. That's what its like for them.
By the way, this country wasn't founded on Immigration, it was founded for Freedom of Religion, and it was settled by immigrants. Immigrants that may or may not have come here willingly, but once here, realized the potential, and put in the work to not only surivive, but thrive.
Immigration has laws... obey the laws, and come on in... ignore one law, probably means that you will ignore others... which leads to the fact that 25 Americans a day die at the hands of Illegals. We cannot trace these people... we often don't catch them before they are back across the border, and Mexico is little or no help in finding these people, because America will not pay the usual "Fees" that are requested by those in charge.
SSG(P) Instructor
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It is a problem, and I think the POTUS plan is three fold. Docu mentioned the ones that want honest citizenship, build a stronger Democratic Base, and punish American businesses that are hiring illegals. Take it for what it is worth.
SSG(P) Instructor
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Cpl Glynis Sakowicz can we ever really stop citizens from sending their money to another country. Hell our top 1% probably transfer 90% of their earning overseas. And son get me started on all the corporations that are transferring their HQ to countries like Mexico or even further South.
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
>1 y
Very true... what I meant to say, and obviously did a very poor job of explaining, is that for this group of people, who are often paid under the table for daily work, don't pay payroll tax, they don't pay taxes on owning a home or spending their pay, because their pay usually goes into a wire transfer back home. Its not an easy life, and my hat is off to them, because most of us military know how hard it is to make a living so far from those we love... and its not a life I'd willingly accept without orders to do so.
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CPT Zachary Brooks
In this same realm, I am even against someone being a citizen just because they were born in this country. Upon reaching the age of 18, all residents should be required to take a citizenship test in order to obtain their citizenship. If they are unable to pass, they are not able to utilize public benefits and services.

Robert Heinlein anyone?
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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Have you taken the citizen test? while you may pass, I bet about 50% or more would fail setting the standard at 70%.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
If it became required I would begin studying. Anyone who loves this country will put forth enough effort to pass it.

Until they decide to go all common core on it and drag people through...
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