When you think of the services you think of the Army. From GI Joe to GI Jane, the image is Bivouacs and an Abrams Tank. But who is in the field most of the time? Who is on crowded ships for extended periods of times? The Navy travels around on ships and they are heavily involved in wars and combat. They can be like sitting ducks and on Aircraft Carriers a virtual airport.
I have a CD about the Navy and it shows just how active and how dangerous the Navy's job is. They may not be boots on the ground but they are boots on deck and very vulnerable as Pearl Harbor suggests.
What's your take? Is the Navy under-appreciated? I want to make this abundantly clear, this is not about minimizing the efforts of the other branches but my brother was Navy and when he saw my dorm, he was speechless and then said, "You Air Force people have it made". LOL
I have a CD about the Navy and it shows just how active and how dangerous the Navy's job is. They may not be boots on the ground but they are boots on deck and very vulnerable as Pearl Harbor suggests.
What's your take? Is the Navy under-appreciated? I want to make this abundantly clear, this is not about minimizing the efforts of the other branches but my brother was Navy and when he saw my dorm, he was speechless and then said, "You Air Force people have it made". LOL
Edited 10 y ago
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 75
I think from a military perspective, no. From a civilian standpoint, when they think military they think Army or Marines. They often forget the Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, etc. It's unfortunate but if you ask me, the appreciation of your brothers and sisters in arms matters ten times more than that of any civilian.
SN Greg Baylor
Thank you, SPC Ackerman. As a Navy vet (Viet Nam era) we often take a verbal trouncing for not being "badass" enough or for being wimps or queers. Much of that is in good fun and that's ok, but there are some who resent the Navy because they don't understand the constant danger that sailors face. The dangers are mostly of a different nature than ducking hot lead or marching through steamy jungles or frigid arctic type terrain. I have often said (with a deep and abiding respect) of the Marines that all that they can do, all that they are, and how awesome they are, that I have never seen one walk on water and when they have to cross the sea, SOMEONE has to give them a ride. :-) That's only one way the Navy comes in.
Not unappreciated or under-appreciated. We just like to make fun of you more than anyone else because of your uniforms.
The most unappreciated or under-appreciated in my opinion is the Coast Guard.
The most unappreciated or under-appreciated in my opinion is the Coast Guard.
LTC (Join to see)
I think the Coast Guard is often overlooked by young people considering the military including myself when I was looking ar the services. I am now in the Coast Guard Auxiliary and I have the utmost respect and admiration for the Coast Guard people. They work very hard on multi missions yet the morale is very high among our Coasties. I'm very proud to be part of the Coast Guard team!
SSG(P) (Join to see)
They have the MARPAT cammies, one of the best now....so, if you're referring to the dungarees...those are no longer in service. Your comment does not reflect the current uniform reg.
And don't forget, the Navy isn't all on ships. There are lots of Doctors, Corpsmen, Chaplains, and Religious Program Specialists and even a few Surface Warfare Officers that serve in the trenches right alongside the Marines. Then there are the Seabees, the EOD techs, and many others that rarely, if ever, see time onboard ship.
LCDR (Join to see)
@PO3 Ben Sackenheim, not uncommon for folks in the specialties I listed above. I have a nephew that will retire in about 2.5-3 years who will have spent his entire 20 year career on land. He's a Seabee Construction Mechanic.
CDR (Join to see)
LCDR (Join to see) is correct. I've been in for almost 23 years, and I've never been assigned to a ship.
That said, as someone posted in another thread, when something happens in the world that could require a response, one of the first things a President wants to know is where are his carriers.
The U.S. military is a mighty force, and that military is made up of all branches of service. Hooyah, Semper Fi, Hooah...ummm, what does the USAF say again???
That said, as someone posted in another thread, when something happens in the world that could require a response, one of the first things a President wants to know is where are his carriers.
The U.S. military is a mighty force, and that military is made up of all branches of service. Hooyah, Semper Fi, Hooah...ummm, what does the USAF say again???
CDR (Join to see)
CDR Kenneth Kaiser - Oh yeah, that's right. The USAF...the only brach of service that when building a base, first builds the golf course and barracks ('er, luxury condominiums), then has to go back to Congress to ask for more money to build a runway! All joking aside, the USAF DOES take care of its own, and good on 'em for that!
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