Posted on Oct 20, 2020
1px xxx
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Edit: I am using the current Army Pubs 350-1, dated 10 Dec 2017

I'm currently in the BN S3, and I've been directed to inspect the Companies on a few topics. I was able to find references and items to compare against in 350-1 for most of the topics I'm reviewing (Weapons, DTMS, etc), but I can't find any resources to grade the Company against for "Sergeant's Time Training".

The closest thing I can find is "Army Warrior Tasks" in 350-1, but that is a separate topic of my inspection and I'm not sure that that applies to STT. My 1st line and I don't understand the distinction, if there even is one.

My only real interaction with STT is a couple of "Hey you, teach a class on Land Nav/React to Contact. I want a CONOP by COB". No regulatory guidance required.

Edit: After review (At suggestion of SGT Gunderson below), I found 1 paragraph titled Sergeant's Time Training in Chapter 5-11, which (paraphrasing) says that STT should be emphasized by the CDR and supports the unit's MET's.

Edit 2/AAR: Thank you to everybody who responded. The inspection went well, and I ended up mixing your suggestions. I printed off the Company METL's, inspected the Companies' history of STT and planned STT against the METL, made sure they were keeping track via sign-in rosters as necessary, and uploading into DTMS. Your guidance is/was much appreciated!
Edited 4 y ago
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Responses: 4
CPT Company Commander
Edited 4 y ago
I think I can point you in the right direction on this one. 350-1 pretty much points you to the METL to draw from. That is the right place to start. You would try to pull your company's METL crosswalk. This should tell you the tasks you should be working on as a unit. This will usually drop down to a section or individual. This is something that you can find on CATS. But I am a huge fan of the Central Army Registry, CAR. It is a part ATN. You can actually look up a document called Individual Critical Task List. This is a list of the task by MOS and skill level that you should be trained on. This is where we find the list of task that an individual should be trained on before they move onto collective tasks. The link is below. You can filter it to the type of document you are trying to find.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
Thank you Sir, this is exactly what I was looking for! I didn't see your response in time for the inspection, but moving forward I'll make sure to have this in my Toolkit. It'll definitely help for future training, let alone inspections.
SGT Joseph Gunderson
AR 3501-1 covers, specifically, Sergeants Time Training in chapter 4.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
4 y
SGT Ryan Ballou - it's not just regulation. Most training guidance, comes from higher headquarters in a deceptively named document called Annual Training Guidance. It is reviewed during the Semi Annual, Annual, and Quarterly Training Briefs. Direction on STT usually is in that guidance.

To tag on to what SGT Joseph Gunderson said, the tasks trained come from the METL crosswalk where you dissect the METL, identify the collective tasks at Company, Platoon, and Squad level, which yield the soldier tasks. The Platoon, Squad, and Soldier tasks/drills are the focus based on the upcoming Company and Battalion level training where collective tasks use those supporting tasks. Example execute quartering party operations. Soldier tasks could Be employ tactical radio, defend assigned sector, employ M9 paper, operate assigned vehicle, emplace an M22 alarm, navigate between points while mounted etc. 20/30 level tasks might be sending an NBC 1/4, other TACSOP specific tasks that support QP operations. The collective task might be establish company operating area, conduct a link up (when the MB rolls in to be received by the QP), etc CPT (Join to see) gave you a resource that I wish I had as a PL, Company Commander, and S3.

The "high pay off" tasks are the soldier tasks and drills that apply to more than one MET. Company Commanders need to do that mental math. The S3 needs to coach them in an OPD if they have no clue.

Barring HHQ guidance on STT, you need to sit down with the OPS SGM and talk this through, then get the CSMs guidance on it.

Like all training it must be:
- planned and scheduled
- rehearsed
- resourced (Land, equipment, supplies, ammunition, time, training aids)
- task condition standard explicitly stated
- pre-test soldiers for knowledge, employ those with knowledge as assistants
- the trainer delivers the training
- determine whether it is crawl walk run in establishing Task Condition Standard
- have soldiers demonstrate the task to test out
- Squad Leader/Traner tracks the status of his element on the training, TPU
- PL/PSG provide feedback to the Commander at the training meeting on the outcomes to update the Commanders assessment of training for USR and QTB (T, P, U)
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
SGT Joseph Gunderson - Your list makes a lot of sense. I didn't see it prior to the inspection, but I almost accidentally ended up following that same line of thought by applying some common sense. I appreciate having the confirmation of my sanity though!
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
LTC Jason Mackay - Sir, thank you for the comprehensive and thoughtful response! It makes a lot of sense, and I appreciate seeing it from a Senior Officer's perspective. I never thought to approach the CSM and get his input on it, but I'll be sure to plug that hole as soon as possible. I was basically forwarded the checklist that our BDE used to grade our BN, and told to inspect the Companies without much lead time to develop a personalized checklist.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
4 y
SGT Ryan Ballou - if NCOs are training our soldiers on individual tasks and Platoon level collective tasks, then we are only as good as our sergeants. This is the foundation to build unit training and can't be built on crap.
SSG Adam Taylor
If you're in a FORSCOM unit, this is now referred to as LTT (Leaders Time Training). A memo came out about 2 years ago detailing how and when LTT would be performed at all FORSCOM units.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
4 y
I'm not FORSCOM, but I'll definitely look into that and see if I can get it incorporated into our unit SOP, if it's suitable. Thank you SSG.

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