Posted on Jun 10, 2018
Is there any way to find out if your GF had your baby if they happened to be a refugee who got sent back to their home country in 1990?
I met this girl in a bar in Germany called “Funsels” back in 1988. She was from Poland and was in a relocation camp (a housing project for immigrants to Germany used to keep people from communist countries from spying on non-communist ones), but snuck out on weekends to go to this bar and enjoy themselves. I met her and we hit it off so we stayed together almost two years. One night I was taken back to their housing since it was late and all the public transportation had ended. I was woken up by MP’s and German Soldiers and got in trouble since I wasn’t supposed to be there (this in spite of the fact I walked in through the front gate, even showing ID). I was sent back stateside two months later and was restricted to base the whole time (the wall had just came down after all & nobody knew what to expect). I got a message from her saying she had something important to tell me in person before I left, but I never got the chance to find out what it was. I know there are many things it could have been, but the two biggest ones are 1. She was/wasn’t Pregnant and 2. She had an STI. I never got anything which is why I think it is the first option. However, she also got sent back to Poland for breaking the rules. I see these shows like Sanford & Son or the Jeffersons in reruns where they had kids while serving overseas and the kids think they abandoned them until they find out the mom’s just never told them what happened. I don’t want to be that guy, especially since I never had kids of my own. Can anyone tell me if there is a database or something out there where I can see if she is alive & if I have a child out there somewhere? I was 21-23,at that time & am 51 now and it still bothers me how things went down back then.
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 1
If you have a name you can look on FB. Poland has Social Megia. You can also contact the Polish Embassy in DC for assistance. Thank you for your service.
SPC James Seigars
I tried FB, but it didn’t help. Her last name is pronounced (sas ton ka), but could be spelled around 8 different ways depending on if the two s’s and k are correct or are z’s and a c. Thanks for the idea though. I will definitely try the embassy as well.
CSM Darieus ZaGara
In my former life I traveled former Eastern Europe haloingvto grow this NCO Corps. The former SMA from Poland lives in FLA. I will see if he can give us a better idea on the spelling. Not sure it will help but I can see.
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