Posted on Feb 3, 2015
LCpl Steve Wininger
ISIS and terrorists have been committing atrocities for a long time now. How much more can happen before the United States gets more actively involved? Will it take another 9/11 type event before the president finally takes the threat serious. He has a difficult time even labeling them as terrorists in some instances.

There is now proof that ISIS burned a captured Jordanian pilot alive. can the United States still stand by while atrocities like this continue?

Is it time for the President of the United States to become more active in combating the growing ISIS threat? They have made direct threats against the United States, attacked citizens in other countries, and have a growing number of followers globally, including the US.

What do you think the US should do?
Posted in these groups: Isis logo ISISImages Barack ObamaSafe image.php Terrorism
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 71
SGT Squad Leader
Theres allot oit there that seems to make ISIS and the middle east in general a very complicated problem. However it does not require a complicated solution. Sadam husain was bad we kill sadam husain ISIS is bad we kill ISIS the taliban north korea all bad we need to stop concentrating on how complicated it all seems and who we will upset and kill the bad guys. To more directly answer the question with the current administration right or wrong i do not think we will see signifigant action against ISIS or other bad people. We can only hope whoever is elected in 2016 sees the evil in the world and sees the oppertunity to do good by eliminating evil. As it says in the declaration of independence (im para phrasesing sorry cant remember word for word ) those who have the ability to stop evil have the responsability to do so
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
I agree with you SGT (Join to see) hwever, I see one other alternative, and it is a long shot. Mr Personality Obama is all about image. If there is enough pressure and bad press for him from the rest of the world and his own party, he may be forced to do more. Although I expect it will be just enough to satisfy the critics.
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SFC Collin McMillion
As I see it, this President is going to do nothing. How many line has he drawn already again different acts of indignity vomited to not only us but people around the world and still each time a "red" line is crossed he backs of and says he wants to talk about it first. We can no longer expect our President, for that matter, our government to do the thing that are right for fear it might ruin their re-election chances. Mother's gather your children close, we are surely in for some major problems and many we will not have time to defend against or stop. If you believe in a higher power, I think now is time, if not past time, to ask for help and director. If you don't believe in a higher power, break out the gun oil anyway, you are going to need it!!!
SFC Collin McMillion
SFC Collin McMillion
>1 y
Pardon my bad grammer and typing, but this really hits home and my brain really has a hard time processing a correct response.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
I can relate SFC Collin McMillion We hear of the atrocities, but I guess after seeing this, it hit a major nerve.
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CW3 Armament Technician
BLUF: King Abdullah has 0 f@#(s to give about those ISIS cowards. He's going to kill them all.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
Apparently the king has began executing ISIS and terrorist prisoners in Jordanian prison.
CW3 Armament Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Won't stop there.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Have you watched the ISIS video? (the one they produced?) It is a fairly well produced propaganda film and they threw in some special effects and all and basically they burned him alive because well, it's in the Qu'ran.


Qur'an (22:19-22) - "These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads. Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted; And for them are hooked rods of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning."

The punishment of those who merely disbelieve in Muhammad's claims about himself is described as being horrifically brutal in many other places as well:

Qur'an (4:56) - "Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses - We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise."

How Allah feels about non-Muslims naturally determines the attitude of devout Muslims. In the Qur'an, Muhammad explicitly uses Allah's hatred of unbelievers to motivate his people to Jihad:

Qur'an (9:73) - "O Prophet! Strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites! Be harsh with them. Their ultimate abode is hell, a hapless journey's end."


They show video of the pilot describing the attack, who was involved, where they came from and they interspersed image of flames and with pictures of the dead and then burned him alive. (An eye for an eye sort of thing). The actual burning starts at about 18:15 and it takes about a min. for the pilot to die. It's horrific and that's exactly the message of fear they are trying to send to those who oppose them. They are nothing but brutal savages and should be dealt with accordingly. At the end of the film, they show off their intelligence work with images of people they want dead (other pilots identified in the raid) and they list their names, ranks, addresses, facebook accounts, etc. and show aerial imagery of where they live. And they call on other muslims to kill them.

ISIS is showing that they aren't crazy, they're cold, calculating and mad. Mad as in abnormally furious; ferocious. These aren't people you are going to reason with, negotiate with, make treaties with, etc. They only respect strength and they only understand death. So if we're going to deal with them, it is going to have to be in a language they understand.
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SSG Paralegal
Unfortunately, with the current administration I fear whether they have the stomach to do anything. The only reason I feel we should be involved in this again is because they guys make Hitler look like a cozy house guest. It is time to eradicate this rotten group of asses. I hope POTUS has the stomach for it, because it is time to go back, and do the job right.
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Lt Col Strategic Planning Officer
Yes, this is a group that has lost any shred of humanity. Like Hitler's Germany it has to be obliterated to bring peace back to the region. I'd like for it not to be the US that does all that work but rather the regional countries that are directly affected.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
Maybe this is a rally cry sir. It seems Jordan has now got the stomach to go to war. some are even demanding they send ground troops in, not sure if they mean alone. However, maybe other Arab countries will see that just because they are Muslim, does not mean they are exempt from these terrorist cowards.
Lt Col Strategic Planning Officer
Lt Col (Join to see)
>1 y
I think you're right. There is a multi-national force over there now with some Muslim countries helping in the fight but its been a token force. I'd like to see them fully committ which it looks like Jordan is about to do!
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Cpl Mark McMiller
I think that if ISIS interferes in nuclear bomb negotiations between the White House and Iran, the gloves will come.
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Cpl Jai Cotman
So what I'm seeing so many say is commit more American assets to fight against an ideology? What battle plan does America have for that kind of campaign and more importantly, why was it never used in the days of civil unrest when the KKK were burning men, women and children for the color of their skin in our own country?

We cannot sustain a war against a belief. ISIS is the mythological Hydra come to life. Cut off one head and two more grow in its place. If we go to war against an idea...a radical belief in Islam, it will be a war from which we never emerge.

Anyone remember thee "War on Drugs"? Last I remember that war was still raging and the drugs haven't stopped flowing. Stop being so fast to blame the administration that worked so hard to pull us out of war. I hate to say it but many sound like they want to go and kill "them" it's an "us against them" mentally (Christian vs. Islam). God commands us to love everyone and Jesus died so we might live. Stop being so fast to go kill someone and think of how to sole this problem long term. Semper Fi.
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
When that ideology has a country, or countries of operation, then yes, maybe it is time to commit. Comparing apples to oranges is not a good argument. As horrific as it was, the civil unrest you mention with the KKK in the fifties and sixties has ceased.

Another point of difference is, the speed in which news travels. I do not know where you get your information, but I do not see this as a war between Christianity and Islam. This is a war between civilized and uncivilized.

barbaric actions have occurred throughout history, and I am satisfied that they will continue to happen until the return of Jesus, or you die, depending on what your religious belief is.

The war on drugs can't be compared because it is more of a supply and demand war. As long as people want drugs, the cartels will continue supplying them. That kind of war is fought differently than terrorism.

So what line do they cross for you Corporal? do they have to step on our soil before you decide they need to be taken care of? They are already here!!! What will you say when they decide to drive up next to a school bus with school kids and blow themselves and the bus up? Is it still an ideology then that cannot be contended with by a force of arms.

I think you are deceiving yourself if you think we can't win.

You must definine winning in order for me to understand where you stand. Is winning totally obliterating radical Islam? If that is the case there has not been a war that has been one yet. Nazism still exists.

I will give you my definition of winning. It is standing up and saying your ideology is not going to succeed. It is saying that if you threaten this country or hurt it's citizens then you will pay the price. I agree with most of the responses on here, the line was crossed long ago, and the only thing our government has done was move the line. How long does that line have to be moved before they are going door to door here saying convert or die? That won't happen, but I don't really want them close enough to try, do you?
Cpl Jai Cotman
Cpl Jai Cotman
>1 y
So you think think the answer would be another "Holy Crusade"? And to think I'm deceiving myself is a fools way of thinking. Trust me when I say there are threats that walk the streets of America everyday. They look like you and I. But that doesn't give me anymore right to start terrorizing them because of a profile they fit in my mind or someone else's.

What I've asked is a very simple question: how do you wage war on an ideology? I've yet to get an answer.

You say the burnings of the KKK have stopped…only because of the Civil Rights movements of the 60's. Had that not happened, who knows what might still be taking place. I will say this. Hate crimes are still happening in this country to this day. Is that not a form of terrorism? If you're not like the norm, them you'll be culled so you don't infect the rest of the populace is a terrorist mindset.

All I want everyone in this thread to see is that you can't call the kettle black when the pot is the exact same color. The bible tells us he who is without sin cast the first stone. Why are so many ready fight another war on foreign soil when there is one raging on the home front? In war there is no victor…there is only the vanquished…loss of life…feelings of resentment that lead to hatred toward the conquerors. Why do you think the world is always in a constant state of turmoil? Those that are vanquished fall back, regroup only to launch a counter offensive. It never ends. A warrior learns ways to fight to learn how NOT to. Violence is always the last alternative. Meet violence with violence and it begets more violence. Do you want any children your children's children to have to continue to fight in a war you fought in? I sure don't. Think about it young hero.
SSG Courtney Colyar
SSG Courtney Colyar
>1 y
You've just said a mouthful. It's clear to me that you have wisdom beyond your years. It's also clear that you're a devoted Christian. Always follow your own mind. And Semper Fi.
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SPC Network Switching Systems Operator/Maintainer
It seems as though the world is caught up in the "Bystander effect". We are all waiting around for someone else to take care of the problem, meanwhile ISIS continues to grow and commit ever increasing atrocities. The question is not when have they crossed the line (they did that a long time ago). It's a question of when the rest of the world will finally stand up, and say enough is enough. Jordan is taking a stand, and hopefully that will be enough to galvanize the rest of the world. Everyone is so apathetic towards others in this day and age, willing to watch the world fall apart, not caring until the ground crumbles beneath them.

Personally, I think the US should wipe ISIS off the map. Bomb them until there is nothing left to remember them by. I realize it's not a realistic approach, but this has become the kind of thing where you have to make an example of them. Beat them so badly that those who follow will think twice about their actions. If we let them commit atrocities like this, and do nothing, we are condoning their actions, letting them know they can get away with it. They gave up all semblance of moral high ground a long time ago, it's time to take the gloves off, and get a little dirty.
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GySgt Lucian J Caldara
Let Jordan do their response and keep our (WH) "opinions" out of it. Jordan is responding the way we used to. Now we are questioning why Jordon bombed ISIS military facility without assuring there were no civilians (in this case an American Syrian Aide worker) who might be harmed. Why are we trying to encourage others to use our ROE which will never win a battle. Go after your enemy and leave him nowhere to hide.. destroy him.. before he destroys you. "Kill or be killed" That's war. ISIS is a defined enemy!
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SSG Courtney Colyar
Respond intelligently. Work with others in the region but don't reinsert American Troops. Help rebuilt the Iraq military, and support them but we should not fight for them. Remember, we trained them for over ten years and fought right beside them leaving them with over 10 billion dollars of equipment. Then, when ISIS attacks they dropped their weapons, got out of their uniforms and tried to walk away. But ISIS taught them, ISIS rounded up hundreds of them and executed them. I believe there's no greater lesson than that. Now, that they're highly motivated they're ready to be trained. And as we train them we continue to point it out that when in War you never cut and run. You fight for yourselves, for your country and for your buddy next to you. BUT YOU NEVER CUT AND RUN !! ***
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