Posted on Feb 8, 2015
Lone Survivor Scenario, what would you have done different?
You would have had to read the book, or see the movie to answer this question, so I will assume you had done one or both if you answer.
If you don't want me to ruin the movie or book for you, exit this post NOW.
There was a small Recon SEAL team inserted to verify a HVT was in their AO, their Recon element was compromised by 3 goat herders, and a bunch of goats...what happens next is what this question is asking?
What would you have done differently?
I have an idea of what I might have done differently, but I will reserve it until I read your responses.
If you don't want me to ruin the movie or book for you, exit this post NOW.
There was a small Recon SEAL team inserted to verify a HVT was in their AO, their Recon element was compromised by 3 goat herders, and a bunch of goats...what happens next is what this question is asking?
What would you have done differently?
I have an idea of what I might have done differently, but I will reserve it until I read your responses.
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 4
In hindsight (20-20, of course), SSG(P) (Join to see), they might have detained those three goat herders until they completed their mission. They didn't, and the rest is history ... the brutal end for several of the team members (three?) ... because those goat herders were able to alert their countrymen to the presence of Americans in the AO.
I'm asking for a decision, what would you have done? Not if what he did was morally and ethically correct. We know it was, but there are also other morally and ethically correct alternatives. Not just kill everything....
SSG (Join to see)
I believe I answered your question. What would you have done? The curiosity is killing me!
SSG(P) (Join to see)
I would have done the same as you, Zip tie them to trees, zip ties can be easily broken, tape, 550 cord them as well, and blindfold as well as gag them, and leave them to be found later, complete the mission...consider even leaving one guy to guard them as they continue to collect intel.
I am a bit surprised they weren't camouflaged, yes we camouflage during the day even more so because of this very thing. It was a novice move sleeping in the open...but I don't want to be called an armchair QB by @SSG Justin McCoy. Not having any comm was a no-no, and making the decision without advice from hire - up was a decision that had to be made....and at the point of letting them go, they had to have known they were f****d. I also thought of a morphine shot, break their ankles so they couldn't walk or run, but those would probably earn me down votes among my peers. I also thought of burying them up to their neck but that would of taken toolong. See, we are too civilized, and when working in this situation, there was no way you can think like a heavily armed unit. Why must we always be the ones playing by the rules?
I am a bit surprised they weren't camouflaged, yes we camouflage during the day even more so because of this very thing. It was a novice move sleeping in the open...but I don't want to be called an armchair QB by @SSG Justin McCoy. Not having any comm was a no-no, and making the decision without advice from hire - up was a decision that had to be made....and at the point of letting them go, they had to have known they were f****d. I also thought of a morphine shot, break their ankles so they couldn't walk or run, but those would probably earn me down votes among my peers. I also thought of burying them up to their neck but that would of taken toolong. See, we are too civilized, and when working in this situation, there was no way you can think like a heavily armed unit. Why must we always be the ones playing by the rules?
I would have called for exfil but taken the goat herders with us and released them at the PZ. This would have allowed for safe extract, you could potentially call for a QRF or insertion of another team in a new location to keep eyes on, or depending on ROE...called for a strike to ensure the mission was complete. Of course, it is easy to push for this COA since I have the example of what happened to review to eliminate an alternative COA.
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