Posted on Jul 27, 2014
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
I have seen different units handle PCS/retirement/wedding/birth gifts differently. Some require everyone to put money into a pot every quarter to pay for them. Others pass around the hat and based off rank they put in a certain amount. Yet others everyone puts in same or whatever they want. And others require everyone to put in a once and done amount (essentially paying for their own gift).

How does your unit do it? Do you agree with it? If not how would you improve it?

I ask as I have seen some PCS within a year and not put in much money while others have been there for years and put in more money than they will ever receive.
Posted in these groups: Double barred dollar sign.svg MoneyGift card Gifts
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Responses: 1
SGT Jonathan Williams
Edited >1 y ago
One unit had a private pass around the hat. This was the one I gave happily. Another unit would ask SPC and below to donate, junior NCOs had a "suggested amount" and SNCO/Officers had a "suggested amount". This was the one I gave to begrudgingly.

I prefer asking a private to pass the hat around. No one is going to feel compelled that way. I did not prefer to have anyone pressured. I recognize that some people have challenges.
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