Posted on Apr 25, 2014
SPC Air Traffic Control Operator
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Responses: 10
SGT Writer
Korea is a great place. It's better if you do more than drink throughout the weekends. I Start college. Purchase a KDSM (authorized for wear after 30 days) and OSR (authorized after 11 months). Also, figure out whether you want to AIP (Assignment Incentive Program) to stay for an extra year quickly before you get projections on your ERB. Once projections hit your ERB, its an instant uphill battle to try to stay. I can offer more info, but as SPC Shelby said, you should look to find out what unit you're PCSing to. Feel free to reply with further questions you have.
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
11 y

Thanks for the tip regarding the KDSM and AIPing.

Did you AIP, and if so, what made you want to stay on extra year?
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
11 y
I did NOT AIP because Korea's pros didn't outweight the unit's cons. However, an USFK assignment gives you more control over your duty station time.
CPL Corey Aldridge
CPL Corey Aldridge
11 y
I did, However I agree with SGT Jacqueem, about the pros and cons. times were a little different when I was there and I felt like were were there for a tgood reason so I extended
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
11 y
1984-87? You've struck my curiousity now. How was it during that time? I want to know the comparisons about the training and FTXs, villes, shopping, culture, Korean's attitude toward Americans, and curfew.
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SFC Network Engineer
PV2 Kempt: 1) What's the fastest way to make SPC? Go to Korea a SGT.

2) You either love or hate Kimchee. Me, I love it as long as it's fresh.

3) KATUSA's (Korean Soldier who are attached to the US Military for training and duty - the acronym means "Korean Augmentee To United States Army) can be your best friend when trying to learn about their culture. They can ALSO be the ones who get you in trouble.

4) It's been a while since I was last there, but the quickest way to get into trouble there, is to bust curfew. If they still have curfew make sure you're on base in time. In some places, you can stay out so long as you're in a hotel or residence by curfew time, but as a PV2, that's not likely.

5) Stay away from the juicy girls (those are the girls at the club who get you to buy them a "juice" - which is just that - juice - no alcohol in it). The reason they do that, is they get you to pay $10-$15 for a drink for them (the "juice" again) and that increases profits for the bar. They don't see much, if any, of that profit! Plus, a lot of them are there unwillingly. You'll get that whole brief when you in process.

6) Korea is a great place to learn how to ski or snowboard if you don't know how. Make sure you take advantage of that.

7) There is a mud-fest there in the summer - the beaches there are not the greatest, but they have this one where the whole beach is mud and they have a festival there - I don't remember when it is, but I do remember it was a blast. Take some leave to do that if they'll let you.

8) Last, if you are not coming home for mid-tour, go visit Japan, Vietnam, or China! Tickets are cheap and as long as you haven't blown all your cash drinking every weekend, you'll have a great time and something extra to remember when you get as old as I am.
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
11 y
Just to emphasize since I just left last month:

1) I saw five Soldiers PV2-SGT demoted for breaking curfew.

2) It may be best to try kimchee WITH food first.

4) Curfew has been 0100-0500 since last year.

5) The USFK has a website of establishments off limits near each base to SMs. Those lists are long. Just because it's not on the list doesn't mean "green light."

6) There are always interesting MWR events.

7) Mud-fest is an MWR event, I believe.

8) To go those places, you'll need a passport.
SFC Network Engineer
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Thanks for those updates!
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
11 y
Anytime, SFC.
SFC Network Engineer
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Hey, now that I think of it, there are several "types" of Kimchee! Make sure you try cucumber (if you like cucumbers) kimchee. There's also cabbage, and bean kimchee. Cabage is the one everyone knows, and while I like it, cucumber is the best!
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MSgt David Mata
1. Stay away from Soju on your "Green Bean."
2. Do not patronize "juicy" Girls.
3. Make sure to see the DMZ (World's dangerous golf course)
4. Try the Food, especially the Kimchi / Bulgogi
5. Enjoy your surroundings and take it all in; these will be some of the best days of your life...

Good Luck and God Speeed, Sean...
SPC Air Traffic Control Operator
SPC (Join to see)
11 y
Appreciate the advice Master Sargent
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
11 y
Bring lots of polypro, it gets colder than...well you can put your own words in here. But the Master Sergeant is correct, enjoy the country and see as much of it as you can. As for the Kimchi, well bring a clothespin with you to help you past the smell. If they are playing the theme song from MASH when you get off the plane it will be ok.
SPC Air Traffic Control Operator
SPC (Join to see)
11 y
Hope it ain't too bad corporal
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
11 y
We always sang Bye Bye Miss American Pie at our favorite watering hole.
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