Posted on Mar 9, 2015
CPT Zachary Brooks
Let's start this off with a quote from our Constitution that we have sworn to uphold and defend:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Many of you have likely heard the story in the news about a woman being kicked out of Planet Fitness for being judgmental due to a transgender woman (pre-OP) was using the female locker room.

Davenport, a transgender activist, states in the article that the female in question had a legitimate argument as did the transgender woman. She also suggested that having individual changing rooms would go a long way to rectifying this issue, and also hopefully to cut down on possible sexual assaults from males attempting to abuse this situation.

As someone who is Libertarian minded I want all people to be treated equally and I see an unequal situation being portrayed here. If Planet Fitness has in their established policy that anyone should be respected for their transgender identity, then they have a requirement to make those people feel welcome, and also those members who may not accept it.

I have seen the arguments on each side that say things in the realm of "This tranny shit is unnatural" and "This person was born a man and is a man period" as well as "This is where things are going and people just need to tolerate it or get the hell out".

Neither of these approaches is right in my opinion and we should be trying to find methods that work with all peoples and all views, but intolerance breeds more intolerance. This is obviously an issue that will be brought forth within the military, whether for the good or ill of readiness or the mission. How do we deal with this properly?
Posted in these groups: 71tsaix6rkl. ux385 Readiness9ed82c1 Transgender
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 40
SFC Collin McMillion
I think if all 250,000+ of us here on RP could agree on any one subject we could possible create some changes, but as long as probably 200,000+ have different opinions, well what can I say?
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A1C Chris Pointer
I used to work at planet fitness and I can tell you first hand they do not actually care about anyone past them making money.

But a similar situation happened in the gym I worked. A 16 year old who identified as a male was using the male locker room and was undressing. All the men left and one came and told us a girl was using the men’s locker room. I can understand other sides. The compromise made was that the 16 year old would be able to use one of the tanning rooms to change and then they could put their things in the male locker room.
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CPT Zachary Brooks
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SFC Bde Mobility Nco
Yuck. Planet fitness. Isn't this so called gym supposed to be the no bully or no judgement zone?
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
I think that is why the woman who had the complaint was thrown out.
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SFC Retention and Transition NCO (USAR)
Wait till they start pushing this to the military…and it will……..Will they just be able to decide which type ASU uniform they were, one with slacks or one with a skirt,   seems to me, it an easy fix…… if you look down and see something dangling, well the you were pants, if you look down and there is nothing there, well in the case you were the skirt.  This should have been done this way for years…….. ohhh wait it has.            I am tired of all the PC-BS and seeing us have to cater to the VERY VERY few that this effects. If the effects are they bad, request a discharge so you can dress how your mind tells you that you should be dressing. 
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SN Electronics Technician (Nuclear Power)
If you tell people they can only use the bathroom that cordienates with their biological sex then you will get all more people in the women's restroom that look like men (trans men ). So what will be stopping a regular male from walking into a women's facility and creeping on women while he clams he was born a women and he has transition.....nothing is stopping them from walking into the wrong "sexs" facility. It will only get worse if you deny trans people the right to use the facilities that corrispons with their gender
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
The issue there then is how do the other individuals in that restroom deal with a situation where someone may physically appear to be the other sex? This will be a complex issue for leaders in the military currently. This is something I am trying to get ahead of because I may have to deal with it as a Company Commander.
SN Electronics Technician (Nuclear Power)
SN (Join to see)
>1 y
You will probably have a star by the time we see this problem in the military.
SSG Stacy Carter
SSG Stacy Carter
>1 y
If you believe that an O-3 Captain will have to wait until he has a Star (i.e Brigadier General) before he has to deal with transgender issues you are sorely out of touch with reality. The Army has already given the go ahead for PFC Manning to receive hormone treatments so that he can become Chelsea.
SN Electronics Technician (Nuclear Power)
SN (Join to see)
>1 y
I guess I am more of saying it feels like it is taking forever to lift the ban on trans service members. But really I believe it will happen with in the next 5 years. By then there will be a million new classes we have to take on the matter to make sure transgender are treated the same as everyone else. .....
this is going to be so much fun :D
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MSgt RF Transmission Systems
I agree with Sgt Erin Wilkins. Whatever "parts" you were born with - that's the room you use. Period. If your mental status or whatever else tells you otherwise - well life ain't fair. If you were born with a penis you are considered a "male" and will use the male's restroom, shower, changing room, barracks, etc.

Expecting businesses and taxpayers to fork over millions, if not billions of dollars to make separate rooms for all or extra rooms for transgendered is outrageous.

I really don't care if a man thinks he's a woman...but if he was born with a penis he is a male, and even if he hacks it off - he's just going to have to learn to live with that label. A line has to be drawn somewhere.
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SSG Leonard Johnson
Look...As a Communist and a Democratic Liberal....I'm a woman in a mans body....I don't want transgender changing rooms....I want my ladies changing it's a good way to get some phone numbers.....giggles
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SGT Civil Affairs Specialist
My question to the original question is why is it even a question here? That we should treat people with dignity and respect should be a given. Now, when it comes to applying civilian norms in the MILITARY is another thing. The military in it's very nature should be discriminatory and intolerant of certain proclivities and behaviors that may be accepting within regular society. Not everyone is fitting to wear the uniform and able to carry out the duties that come along with it.

I find it disturbing that people believe that they are entitled to certain rights and privilages within the military that are "normal" in the general population.

Through out history, the best military forces consisted of those who were willing to forgo most of the rights and privilages of the common people to serve to protect it. Along with it came the willingess to undergo rigourous mental and physical training in order to endure the harsh realities of combat.
We should never forget that. The military is not the place to be trying to accomodate or please everyone and fashion it to be like civic society.

Example in point, there is a Sikh business student that is fighting to join the ROTC program in his area, but does not want to comply with US military grooming standards stating it is against his religion. The military's main purpose (wether you like it or not) is for WAR. Everyone knows when they went to bootcamp that they were striped of their civilian identity and broken down to be built up as a cohesive unit. That is what makes a force strong in its basic form that sets us apart from civilian mentality. We all have to meet the same standards and to insist on having the military adapt ( mind you I did not say respect) or accomadate to your own culture and belief should not be tolerated; for it undermines military standards and culture and tradition. Which inturn affects morale and basic standard operating procedures to the lowest level. This leads to an ineffective fighting force. When you start to allow a proletariat mindset to permeate military culture and doctrine, it starts to erode the military discipline and might just like termites eat away at a foundation.
Look at how the mightiest militaries known in history ceased to be such. It all started when their military began to be fashioned to fit into the way the regular populace saw fit.

And that is my long winded two cents on that.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
"The military is not the place to be trying to accomodate or please everyone and fashion it to be like civic society. " This is a statement that many of us on here will likely agree with. So what do we do when the Sec Def decides that we have to integrate transgender soldiers (including those that identify but never wish to change physically) into our force?

We sadly do not seem to have a choice in this, so how does SGT A Ramirez handle this situation when she receives a Chelsea Manning type and has to keep up her team's readiness and mission capabilities?
SGT Civil Affairs Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Well hopefully the Secretary of Defense will take into consideration military readiness and the preservation of military culture and standards as priority foremost and above any political correctness before issuing such a decision.

As for me, when no clear answer on certain issues arise. I lean on the NCO Creed to provide guidance and let the chips fall where they may.

I am a female by the way Sir.
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
SGT (Join to see)

Hard to tell with no first name or photo, thanks for correcting me. I have updated my post to address that.
SGT Civil Affairs Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
No problem Sir. I just signed up recently and checked in today. My profile will be a work in progress..
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CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Justin Rose PO1 Autumn Sandeen

I generally find myself not agreeing with either one of you on this topic as I feel the "It is happening, just deal with it" mentality is not really an accepting way to go about this either.

Would either of you care to weigh in on what you think an acceptable and fair solution to the integration of the forces would be?
CPT Zachary Brooks
CPT Zachary Brooks
>1 y
CPT Justin Rose

You and I are generally on opposite sides of these kinds of issues, I would be interested to see your take on a smart integration of the force in this realm if that is what you support. I generally do not agree with your opinions, but I at least respect them.
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
>1 y
I'll comment on the issue I find interesting:

I here from the religious right leaders like the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins that we need religious freedom bills to protect business owners who want to have the freedom not to choose to serve LGBT community members, such as making cakes for same sex weddings.

Here we have a business that's made the business decision to accommodate the gender identities of a subcommunity of the LGBT community, and suddenly were talking about bills that mandate which bathrooms and locker rooms transgender people can use.

Let me quote what civil rights pioneer Civil Rights Pioneer Bayard Rustin stated about gays back in 1986 in his essay From Montgomery to Stonewall:

"'[H]omosexuality' remains an identity that is subject to a 'we/they' distinction. People who would not say 'I am like this, but black people are like that,' or 'we are like this, but women are like that.' or 'we are like this, but Jews are like that,' find it simple to say, 'homosexuals are like that, but we are like this.' That's what makes our struggle the central struggle for human rights. If gay people do not understand that, the do not understand the opportunity before them, nor do they understand the terrifying burdens they carry on their shoulders."

Substitute "transgender" for "homosexual" in that paragraph, and that's where we are in 2015.
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