Posted on Aug 24, 2014
SPC James Patton
I have a pet peave. Am i right to think this way or not, let me know what you think. My issue is people calling themselves African American, Mexican American, Asian American, ect, ect. I believe we should call ourselves American. If you want to include you color then say American with African decient. (Please over look my spelling). I don't claim to be Naitive, German, Irish American. I am American first and foremost. So choose who you are and stop trying to be from two countries at one time.
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Responses: 11
CPT Company Commander
Edited 10 y ago
I see what you are getting but not all of use have generations that were all American. I am a first generation American. My father came to the US when he was a teen. I call my Portuguese. I am an American but I don't think they are the same. Referring to one's citizenship is one thing. In that case we are all Americans but then that is not really our linage. I don't want to lose a part of my culture that I feel so dear about. I am proud of being Portuguese but on the reverse I am an American. I will fight and die for this country. Calling my myself Portuguese doesn't make me any less of an American than you or anyone else. In the case of many here they may have had generations that go over 200 years born in this country.

This is the same everywhere else. I am sure you have used it without thinking about it. Have you ever referred to the Kurds. Well, technically they are from Iraq, more or less, and are Iraqi but we respect them for their diversity and can still call them Kurds. Should we give up our historical origins to assimilate to being a "generic American?" No, that is not what being an American is about. If we don't we would lose a lot of identities and cultures. Some groups I can think would be; Creoles, Native Americans, Eskimos, Samoans, Puerto Ricans, and many more that I cant think of.

It is not that some groups are trying to be outcasts or separatists but are proud of your peoples.
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SFC Mark Merino
It wouldn't surprise me that the very thing the government is trying to prevent (discrimination) is the very thing that continues to separate us as an AMERICAN Nation. If the "race" box isn't checked, how do the higher ups know that a minority is being discriminated against? The military has always led the way in the Nation's fight against racism and discrimination. I hope one of the full time EOA/EOR's can back me up on this, but I believe that the military started the process of tracking "race" for the reasons I previously stated. The Federal government adapted it's hiring practices in accordance with the military, the rest of the country followed suit stemming from the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I'm spewing up from a paper that I presented eons ago so I can't list sources. Let me do some digging. Meanwhile, one of you EO pros, please come to my aid.......
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MCPO Roger Collins
Given that my heritage is from about a dozen different sources, it would be cumbersome for me to use those names. It would almost be appropriate for my name to be Heinz. You older guys will get that.
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