Posted on Jan 4, 2015
PO3 Machinist's Mate
I posted this as a reply in another thread, but it didn't get much traction, so I'm hoping to get more of a response by making it a stand alone question...

I'm prior Army and Navy with just under 8 years of service (I'll be 39 in February). I also have 2 Bachelors degrees (History and Anthropology) and a Masters (Higher Education Student Affairs). I'm looking to get back into the service, probably Army Reserves or National Guard, by the end of the year, after a 13 year break in service, with a unit in or near the San Antonio, Texas area. The prior-service Army recruiter that I spoke to told me that even though I have my Masters, he couldn't recruit me into an officer ascension program and that I'd have to enlist first.

The advice I'm seeking is about enlisted MOS in addition to officer branch. If I HAVE to re-enlist before submitting my officer packet, I want to be in an MOS that I can live with and that will help me with employment in the civilian sector IF my officer packet gets denied (due to age and/or my tattoos). If I can get accepted for officer ascension, I'd like to be in a career field with halfway decent career mobility. I'd also eventually like to AGR.

On the enlisted side, I'm partial to 68W due to length of AIT (to help me re-acclimate to service life) and learning a new skill set, but I could do 42A because my experience is closely related and I could submit my packet sooner. On the officer side, I was looking at Medical Service Corps (67O Health Administration Services) or Adjutant General (42BO Human Resources Officer). I'm also interested in Civil Affairs, either officer or enlisted, unless you HAVE to go Airborne, because I'm deathly afraid of heights, lol.

Also, I have military-themed half-sleeves on both forearms which I have been informed I can get a waiver for.

For those of you in the know, giving your professional opinion, what seems like it might be my best route?
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Responses: 36
SSG Joe Ann Bess
Hey I got out in 1992 and came back and finished in 2014 and now it's done. 21 yrs service. Never give up. Never.
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Capt Operating Room Nurse
Edited 10 y ago
First and foremost, don't enlist. You will be stuck in an enlistment, and package or no package, you'll have to finish out your enlistment obligation first. I would speak to other service branches before making any commitments, to see what options are available.

I was active duty Navy as an MR from 1992-1997, and, in 2012 put in an officer package for Navy Reserves as a Nurse. Then about a year ago, I started putting together a package for active duty Air Force, as an Operating Room Nurse. I'll be doing my Air Force commissioning next week, and I'm 44 years old. Returning to active duty was my original goal, the Navy told me I was too old for active duty, which is why I went Reserves with them and am now going to AD Air Force.

With your education, you should easily be eligible for a commission. I would shop around with the other branches, they have a lot to offer regardless of the current economy. As far as the sleeves go... waivers are given for lots of things, and I know several folks in my unit that have sleeves.

Good luck, I hope this helps.

SSG Joe Ann Bess
SSG Joe Ann Bess
6 y
I was happy to hear that you didn’t give up. They teach us this in our military family, but when you do this it’s like a stumbling block. I’ll say again never let anyone tell you what you cannot do, or your to old. Congratulations
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LTC Self Employed
Go Warrant Officer since I believe 46 is the cutoff age. Stay on top in the p.t. It helped me all through my career and I started at age 31 enlisted and age 34 as a commissioned Officer. If you go enlisted and desire civil affairs or warrant, go Army Reserve. I did enlisted MP first. You will start at least as an E-4 specialist if you go enlisted. If you make warrant, the remainder of your enlisted time will still be owed as a warrant (my remaining 5 years was tacked to my initial 6 years enlistment with 2 years in the IRR). Met many NCOs who had Masters or Bachelors Degree. Follow your dreams!!!
SSG Joe Ann Bess
SSG Joe Ann Bess
6 y
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