Posted on Oct 25, 2014
SSgt E/E Craftsman
Hello everyone,

Just curious to see if anyone has more concrete answers than what I'm receiving here.

So a bit of background on me. I'm a flightline maintainer, have been to 3 bases, worked 3 platforms, and have never not been on the line the last 8 years (not even tool room). As you can imagine, it gets tiresome, and while I PCSed almost 2 years ago I've been trying to find some way to improve myself, my career, and myself, while staying in. I'm going to school for Buisness Management and fully intend to stay in my 20.

That being said, I recently asked my supervisor about volunteering for special duties. I know the rules have recently changed, and wanted more clarification on what is required and the whole process. His answer to me... "your on a freeze code, you can't volunteer for special duties until your time is up".

So today I was working a jet, I'm a weekend guy for the time being, and was working with the E-7 in charge who was handing me tools. I told him what I wanted to do and he told me to do it, that my lock code could get waived and he'd even write me a letter of recommendation if I wanted one.

That said, what are the new rules and process for all of this? I'm interested but obviously my supervisor doesn't care to help me, even if I do need to wait a bit....
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Responses: 3
MSgt Mission Operations Commander
your supervisor is correct in that a lock code e.g. 44, 45, etc, will prevent you from being selected for any special duty HOWEVER, there is another way. I have tried multiple times and this is what I learned: In your VmPF or AMS, you should be able to verify whether or not you are coded. It will be in the "assignment limitation code" section. If it is blank then you are free and clear to apply for any special duty you qualify for. If you are in fact coded, then you must present you case to Squadron Superintendent, usually your Chief, and explain to him what your intentions are and that you are keenly interested in broadening your career through a special duty assignment in "X". The Chief in turn will call your functional and hash out whether or not to release you. Bear in mind that this is a Chief function and if your Chief can persuade the functional then it's a done deal and you can go. All is takes a one phone call from your Chief to him. Keep checking through AMS though, Special duty assignments pop up every month.
SSgt E/E Craftsman
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Thanks MSgt Carrera! Very helpful.
CMSgt Ray Theriault
CMSgt Ray Theriault
10 y
Great advice, both on where to get the info and if locked, go for't anyway. Nothing to lose and if denied, your next spec duty package, SSgt Gallegos, will be all the more improved. Good luck.
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SSG George Duncan
safer that way
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LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
SSgt E/E Craftsman
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Very helpful Captain Maurelli, I'll have to look more into my Virtual and talk with a few people...
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