Posted on Sep 1, 2022
Amber Winkler
So I'm sure this question has been asked but I'm going to go ahead and give it a shot. I am a 28 year old fm , roughly 6 years ago almost to the day I received a chapter 11 during basic (which they say was volunteered separation even though I begged to be sent back to my unit). I had a little bit of an anxiety attack and in that brief moment my emotions got the best of me. I never threatened to harm myself or others but there was this holdover there who made some false accusations. I had anxiety due to never being away from my daughter who at the time was two. So my question is now that so much time has passed and I have matured what is the possibility of my wavier being approved? I have kept a full time job and no longer experience separation anxiety. I have an re3 reenlistment code. My recruiter sent in my wavier 3 days ago but it worries me because everyone I have seen mention there is a lot of paperwork involved but only one piece was sent for my wavier. I know It's a waiting game but I still would like to know what my odds are?
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Responses: 5
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
It's been only 3 days. It's gonna take longer for that waiver to process. It has to go all the way up to Recruiting Command. As for your one but Recruiting Command will know for certain. Your odds are fairly decent since your Recruiter did submit the waiver. But know that you do not have great odds. Especially during a period of RIF (reduction in forces). Bide your time. If more documentation is requested, then provide what is asked for and continue to wait. That's literally all you can do at this moment in time.
Amber Winkler
Amber Winkler
>1 y
My recruiter told me it would take a few days to hear back on the wavier but I know that's an estimate
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
>1 y
On the plus side, Army didn't make recruiting goal, so that usually means slacking up on the difficulty to get waivers.
Amber Winkler
Amber Winkler
>1 y
CPT Lawrence Cable
Well that's good news! Hopefully it will go through then. I'm not going to blow my recruiter up but I am wondering why I have heard other people say that they have to send like 300 pages up for their wavier but only one was sent up when they sent my wavier in
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Amber Winkler - Because some folks have waiver requests that are that in depth of medical concerns generating questions that require that much paperwork. Not everyone needs to submit "300" pages
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SGM Bill Frazer
You are going to have to wait on a waiver, that probably go all the way thru HRC- takes time
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SSG 12 B Instructor
Amber Winkler I wouldn't stress over the amount of information that was sent up. I was an RE3 myself, however it was due to physical injuries. It took months for my stuff to get through everything, but again there were two separate medical issues that I needed waivers for and one was service related; the other was a pre-existing condition. It says a lot that the recruiter even sent it up, but I would be prepared to have it come back with a list of things that will need done prior to acceptance or denial.

Best of luck to you! I have been in your seat, don't give up if this is what you really want. But, remember, the same issues you struggled with; will still be issues now. Separation from family is tough, but it does get easier with time. I wish you the best!
Amber Winkler
Amber Winkler
>1 y
I agree completely. I spent months away from my daughter and now know how to process my emotions a lot better. I'm definitely not going to give up. Hopefully the army will see that a lot of time has passed and give me a second chance
SSG 12 B Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
For you sake I really hope they do. I am a firm believer that people change, especially as we age.
Amber Winkler
Amber Winkler
>1 y
I agree completely. I spent months away from my daughter and now know how to process my emotions a lot better. I'm definitely not going to give up. Hopefully the army will see that a lot of time has passed and give me a second chance
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