Posted on Dec 16, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
"The Republicans look for all the world like they’re going to nominate their candidate based on fears about a country most of them can’t find on a map. "
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Responses: 9
SGT Jerrold Pesz
Not a very surprising conclusion since it came from Salon. You could get a more unbiased opinion from the DNC.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
You are welcome to offer another.

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SGT William Howell
These debates are a joke. They all look like asshats. Not because they are not capable, but because they are fighting like a bunch of teenage girls. There is no debate, it is just a bunch of name calling. I would not trust these people to walk my dog. Is Hillery any better? Hell no! She is an egotistical fool that should not be trusted with a can of corn. Yet, all she has to do is sit back and watch the show.

Dems are happy because we have shown them everything they believed was true about Republicans. Independents are independent for a reason. They are fed up with both parties bullshit and these debates are showing nothing but BS. Guess which way they are voting? The Undecided have pretty much decided that none of the Republicans are worth listening to. Me as a Republican, I am trying to decide how I am going to make it another 4 years with that moron Hillery in charge. My only Hail Mary is that Webb runs as a independent!
PV2 Glen Lewis
PV2 Glen Lewis
>1 y
Well when it comes to Hillary Clinton I'll vote for her when Hell freezes over. In my opinion she may not be a convicted one but she's a felon none the less. Then there are the others; Trump is just a straight up whack job and the rest are incompetent at what they do right now. I guess I'll just try to figure out which one has actually told the truth on at least one issue and vote for him. It's pretty much a crapshoot when it comes to voting for anyone on any office from dogcatcher to president. BTW: I'm registered as a Republican because in one election they didn't have an Independent in the primary so I was told I wasn't eligible to vote in the general election. ' pretty much made the freedom of speech amendment a joke to me. That tells me my opinion can't be expressed unless I join a group I have no faith in or use for.
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CW3 Network Architect
The 2016 Republican Presidential Candidates: Making sure Hillary Clinton gets elected every time they open their mouths.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Don't forget how the House Republicans made her look like Wonder Woman in the Benghazi hearings.

SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller Sad, but true.
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Republican Debate Tagline?
Capt Walter Miller
"By far the most talked-about subject at tonight's Republican debate was national security—and specifically the threat that terrorism poses thereto. It was a reasonable subject to discuss given the recent attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, and the downing of the Russian Metrojet plane in Egypt; it seems entirely possible that ISIS will try to carry out more random mass murders in the U.S., and the next president will be responsible for making sure that doesn’t happen.

But what about the other types of individuals who perpetrate terrifying high-profile shootings, acts of political terror, and mass murders of strangers in the United States? Roughly speaking, you could put those people into two categories:

white men with extreme right-wing political motivations and men with mental problems or personal grudges. (Obviously those categories can overlap.) Here are some of the recent attacks in the United States carried out by such non-jihadi individuals:

Nov. 27: Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs, three killed
Oct. 1: Umpqua Community College in Oregon, nine killed
Aug. 26: Roanoke, Virginia, two killed on live television
July 23: Movie theater in Lafayette, Louisiana, two killed
June 17: Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, nine killed
Going further back, of course, you have the Aurora, Colorado, movie theater massacre; the Washington Navy Yard massacre; the Newtown, Connecticut massacre; the attack that injured Gabby Giffords; and many, many, many, many more, all the way to Columbine and Oklahoma City.

Here’s the list of attacks perpetrated by white American extremists or disturbed non-Muslim American men that Republican candidates discussed tonight:


And the list of candidates who suggested ways that such attacks might be prevented in the future:


Every presidential candidate likes to say that the president's first job is “keeping America safe.” But regardless of what specific policies on guns or mental health you favor to help prevent the kinds of incidents listed above, what possible definition of “keeping Americans safe” does not address the epidemic of mass murders in this country that have nothing to do with jihadism?"
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SFC Michael Hasbun
"The Republicans look for all the world like they’re going to nominate their candidate based on fears about a country most of them can’t find on a map. "

LOL, this made my morning...
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Is this to suggest that Democrats all know where Syria and Iraq are located on a map? Very typical of you to continue your line of insults. How's that Democrat primary going by the way? They still pushing the candidate who's clearly broken the law?
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Good point, Sir.

There is a different pathology with the Dems. Madame Clinton has a track record of nothing but failure. In six + years in the Senate she wrote not a single bill. She voted for the PATRIOT Act. She voted to invade Iraq (had she not done that, she could have made a run on the WH in 2004), she pushed for intervention in Libya, another disaster. At the debates she sounds glib and focused even though what come out of her mouth is insane. No-Fly zones? The day after the San Bernardino attack, she gave a very bellicose address threatening Iran with nuclear – ooops, slip of the tongue, military action. I’d chortle with delight if she got indicted for her private server – which no matter what happens shows she is an idiot.

But in her speaking skills she sounds masterful, brilliant! Because the media drones have no idea what the details are. Clinton is like this malevolent unstoppable force in some horror movie.

Sanders at least talks coherently and has a message and a plan. It just has no chance of being implemented. I am sure he can find Syria on the map. Pretty sure.

Governor O’Malley sounds like the most conventional candidate maybe on either side. A former governor, he presents well and doesn’t say anything stupid.

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SMSgt Pavements and Construction Equipment (DirtBoyz)
Another divisive post from Capt Miller...
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Nah. Just a drive by.

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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Lol. Just look at the three Stooges. Hillary, Bernie and O Mally. I bet you don't even watch there debate.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
There is no point watching any debates. Madame Clinton will be elected unless she screws up somehow or strokes out.

Jim Webb is the only chance we have an it is pretty small.

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1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
It was a mixed bag, but if I had to pick a winner, it was Christie. I'd say he held his own better than anyone.
Trump was Trump.
Bush was whiny.
That Cruz/ Rubio rubric was just strange.
Rand Paul talked himself out of any chance he might have had.
Kasich looked pretty good, but he was not heard from much.
Ben Carson looked like he wasn't feeling well, and he just wasn't really in the game.
Fiorina - meh.

In the early debate, everyone who was there looked like that was where they belonged.
Huckabee made a few good points, as he often dies, but belly flops on others.
Senator Graham apparently misses GW Bush a lot.
All others - blundered about not saying much.
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