Posted on Mar 25, 2015
LCpl Mark Lefler
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Responses: 12
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
I wonder if most of you who are for the voucher understands the implications of such system? Who's to say the voucher will cover the full extent of your medical care? And how much will the voucher will be limited to? This is not the only scenario that may come up. There's also the possibility of doctors unwillingness to accept the voucher, not to mention the doctors can raise their fee. Let's see those of you that willingly believe that such system is good for veterans ends up with thousands of dollars in medical cost because your voucher is limited. You won't have a bureaucracy fighting the doctors to lower the bill or questioning how they are charging $100 for 2 tablet of Tylenol.
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SPC Infantryman
I just want what the vets deserve great health care we Earndit
PO3 Michael James
PO3 Michael James
>1 y
Agreed, Great health care.. If ALL of our elected officials, including Governors of each state, were required to Serve Active Duty.. Starting at E1, NO Special Treatment from influential Mommies or daddies, Then We would see an extremely functional VA with fair and equal benefits for all Military personnel.. Should our political official be unable to serve 4 yrs. Active, then they would HAVE to send one of their children, the choice would be theirs to make!! This would include ALL of Congress; All Branches of Government !!
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The VA is definitely broken, and providing for private care option is exactly what was done recently with the Veteran's Choice program.

That being said, "vouchers" in GOP speak is a way of saying, lets spend 1/10 of what we do now, in the Government, give the people these vouchers, and let them get it in the open market. So the recipients of the vouchers end up having to pay a huge amount, because the vouchers don't come close to covering the cost.

That might work for the Koch brothers, but it will never work for veterans, especially the ones who are poor, disabled, indigent, etc.

The problem with putting all your eggs in the open market system is that they will get stolen and the little bit you have left is scrambled when you wanted fried. In the GOP vision, there are no controls on the open market, so who benefits? Certainly not the consumers.

An example of this is the grocery store mess where we live. Albertsons and Safeway were allowed to merge. The new company kept the Safeway stores open, because they operate at a higher margin: read more cost to consumers. Then, Haggen, a PacNorwest small grocery chain, who is very expensive, and can't manage their own stores, got VC to buy the closed Albertsons stores. The net result is one less grocery chain, far less competition, and greatly increased prices for groceries in the PacNorwest.

Another example is airlines. With the mergers that have gone on, now there are just DL, UA, AA and SW as national carriers. They are mapping their routes to avoid competition, so prices stay high.

Because of the GOP Congress, no-one is doing anything about this free market free for all. It's great for the CEOs and board members, but the consumer takes it up the...

Is this what we really want for Veteran Health Care? I say a resounding no...

Also, in the report about Palin's raving I find this interesting tidbit: The Koch brothers are funding a group, Concerned Veterans for America, led by Fox News contributor Pete Hegseth that is using the same recent scandals to push for VA privatization.

The Koch brothers are funding a Concerned Veteran's group!!!! The only time those guys ever wore a uniform was if it was for Haloween. And this Hegseth guy was in the ARNG and did one tour or something...

These people are out of control, and we are paying for it....

When you vote next year, keep this in mind. The GOP doesn't have the average citizen's concerns at heart. They have the concerns of the Koch brothers at heart... They are NOT your friend...

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