Posted on Nov 28, 2013
MSG Sr Maintenance Supervisor
<p>My sister is&nbsp;reclassing into 12B (she is 12C currently) because opportunities have opened. I am very proud of her for making the switch, but&nbsp;do you feel it is fair to have female Senior NCO's reclass into Combat Arm fields where historically&nbsp;each promotion was based on holding certain positions. </p><p>For example:&nbsp;Most&nbsp;Combat Arms MOS's must&nbsp;have rated time&nbsp;as team chief, section chief/sergeant, squad leader prior to making SFC. Do you think its fair to&nbsp;open up positions to females who have not served their time?</p><p><br></p><p>I think female NCO's reclassing to Combat Arms should have&nbsp;to complete an SLC for that specific&nbsp;CMF. What&nbsp;do you think?&nbsp;</p>
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Responses: 24
SFC William Swartz Jr
Personally, I do not that this should be allowed, due to the reasons you listed, a lack of experience in lower lever positions for said MOS. While book knowledge can be taught and hopefully learned and retained, it is not the same as having the practical hands-on experience of having been in the corresponding lower levels of leadership. As a Tanker, yes you can learn fire commands as a TC, but if you have never been a gunner or experienced tank gunnery as a junior enlisted tank crewman, you have no experience to build on to assist in your crew hitting targets and qualifying. Same with tactics and the manuevering aspect, unless you have served as a TC within a tank platoon, how can you as a PSG mentor and train your PL to be successful? Now, when/if they actually enlist females into the 11/13/19 series' that had previously been unavailable to them, and they grow and progress through the ranks as males do/have, then there would be no issues. But I do not feel that SR NCO females should be authorized to reclass.
MSG Sr Maintenance Supervisor
MSG (Join to see)
11 y

SFC Swartz, I understand your point. I too believe working your way through the ranks and positions is important. Maybe the Army is smart and wants female SR NCO's to be able to deal with these new female recruits straight out of AIT!?

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LTC Program Manager
12B is almost the same MOS as 12C so it should not be an issue for her. Males have done this in the past as well.

There are lots of Females who will do very well in the Combat arms and I wish them luck.
CPT Public Affairs Officer
CPT (Join to see)
11 y
Sir,&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>I agree with you. The OSUT for 12C and 12B are not as separated as many would think. Most of the AIT portion is together. She may be missing some experience in MOUT, C-IED, and many of the AM/CM tasks.....but some of these skills actually have similar individual tasks compared to what she has done as &nbsp;a 12C. The trickier part may be that the last time she touched demo was during OSUT, which would mean that she will need to become reacquainted the demo, MDI, etc so that she can check her Soldiers for safety.&nbsp;</div>
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
11 y
I'm not a fan of how RP double posts from my phone.
MSG Sr Maintenance Supervisor
MSG (Join to see)
11 y
LT Oakley, I am fully confident that my sister will be up to speed with the seasoned 12B's in no time because she has worked beside them for the past 12 years in service. I think support MOS CMF's should have to go through not only AIT but some type of NCOES pertaining to their level. That is where they will understand the full spectrum of operations and behind the scenes operations of their new MOS. AIT will teach individual tasks/jobs and NCOES would cover higher level echelon training. Thanks for posting!
SGT George Mckinney
SGT George Mckinney
>1 y
jealousy is the only downfall in these situations but team work and respect for each other and the common cause will win out.
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CPT Daniel Walk, M.B.A.

I am actually very surprise the Army is allowing SNCOs to reclass at the SFC level. After completing SLC and ALC, I would think the Army would find the retraining on top of the investment on prior training a poor investment.


While the whole thing is really machts nichts, I guess I would hope the motivation for allowing reclass at that SNCO level is really driven by numbers and not political messaging.

MSG Sr Maintenance Supervisor
MSG (Join to see)
11 y
CPT Walk, I was surprised as well when she told me. Maybe she is an exception to the rule since its within the same CMF. I couldn't imagine the difficulty of a SFC 92G reclassing into Infantry, not saying its impossible but two different worlds. As MAJ Miller said, OJT will be the best thing for skill enhancement at that level.
LTC Program Manager
LTC (Join to see)
11 y
12B&12C are basically the same MOS. When I attended 12B OSUT in 1996 the 12Cs were tested on everything the 12Bs were. Durring one week the Cs learned bridging while we got licensed on armored vehicles.
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