Posted on May 31, 2014
SSG Operations Sergeant
I recently had a conversation with a fellow NCO on why reporting has increased over the passed few years. We both agreed to disagree, and came to a resolution on the matter. I wanted to poll rally point to see where the majority stands on reasons behind the increase in reporting, wether it's a culture change, climate set or it's Something completely different. The program is working? Thoughts?
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Responses: 3
SSgt Gregory Guina
I think the emphasis on it has increased the reporting. Also having trained individuals to report to and the fact that you can file restricted reports.
SSG Operations Sergeant
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Ssgt Guina what are your thoughts on the individuals who are trained in taking reports? Is it a selection based process? Or is it more of a "we need need two people trained for this additional duty" type situation?
SSgt Gregory Guina
SSgt Gregory Guina
>1 y
I have seen both. In most cases the 1stSgt/Sgtmaj put out that they are looking for volunteers to man the position. If no volunteer comes forwad then someone inevitably will be voluntold that they will be the UVA.
SSG Operations Sergeant
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I have seen that too!! Sometimes it works for the best, NCOs getting told to do the additional duty end up enjoying it.
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LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
I think two possibilities. Either more Soldiers are feeling comfortable reporting or it is that there is a rise in assaults and they feel more comfortable reporting.

I know that in the past in some places (and unfortunately in some places still) the victim was basically ran right over and drug through the mud. With the SHARP NCO/Officer the names can be kept quiet and treatment sought. It is good way to take care of the victim regardless of if they want to seek charges against the assailant(s). Before you did not have that option.

I think as a whole the military is trying to do the right thing by going to support the victim regardless of how they file the report.
SSG Operations Sergeant
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Sir, I agree with your first two responses: comfortability with reporting and also a raise in assaults. Sir, as a Commander do you have an idea of what could or would be a contributed to the raise in assaults?
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
LTC (Join to see)
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I think that unfortunately some commanders do not have it as a priority to combat this issue or know how to handle it when it does occur. The need to get rid of toxic and incompetent leaders will always be there. It also has a lot to do with First Line Leaders doing their jobs as well. I hope that as the training continues and more Soldiers become SHARPs and teach that this issue will become less of a problem. However, realistically we represent the US as a whole and its population. Without tackling the issue as a society as a whole there will always be at least a few that get into our ranks. We need to push for it as a society as well.
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CPT Aaron Kletzing
Edited >1 y ago
I think all the high visibility focus on making reporting safer and easier has led to it. Also publicizing punishments of offenders, especially senior leaders, might be helping -- since it implies that when you report the system will take it seriously.
SSG Operations Sergeant
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Sir, do you think the recent changes in the UCMJ specifically ART 120 offenses helped differentiate between what used to be defined as Sexual Harassment is now Sexual Assault?
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