Posted on Dec 7, 2015
CPT Ahmed Faried
From The Washington Post

Recommended read for folks here who claim Muslims don't speak out against terrorism.

Hundreds of Shiite Muslims turned a major annual spiritual ritual into an anti-terrorism rally Sunday, marching, singing and praying for hours from trendy Dupont Circle to the White House as tourists and brunch-goers rubbernecked.

Connecticut Avenue was a sea of black as Shiites mostly from the D.C. region waved banners with the name of their spiritual forefather, Imam Hussein, and pounded their chests with their fists simultaneously as an expression of mourning. His martyrdom 1,400 years ago is a major part of Shiite narrative and a defining event in the break between Shiite and Sunni Muslims, and is marked annually. A few days ago, more than 22 million Shiites and others visited the Iraqi city of Karbala in a pilgrimage to the place where Hussein died.

But this year the event twinned as a peace march. Muslims — including head-covered women, young children and hipsters with man buns on hoverboards — held signs condemning terrorism and the Islamic State and handed out hot chocolate and doughnuts in an effort to open conversations with passersby.

Some American Muslim groups and prominent U.S. Muslims have been making extra public efforts since the recent terrorism-related killings in San Bernardino, Calif., to speak against the Islamic State terrorist group, which is also known as ISIS, and radical Islamists.

“What’s happening now is we feel even more compelled to come out of our homes,” said Zehra Raza, 27, an electrical engineer from Alexandria, Va., who was at the rally with her husband.

The crowd was smaller than in past years, she and others said, because many Muslims were afraid of being harassed or targeted with violence. Such incidents have been on the rise. Many police officers were on hand, and there were no obvious protests against the rally.

When the crowd arrived at Lafayette Park across from the White House, tourists pulled out their cellphones. One group from Poland attempted in broken English to explain to a pair from Colombia what was going on.

“Some [Muslims] were afraid, but I think this is the perfect time to come out and stand with people who are oppressed. ISIS is the same as what Hussein was fighting 1,400 years ago,” Raza said.

ISIS has persecuted Shiites — among other religious minorities — in Syria and Iraq, called them infidels and killed them.

As Raza spoke, and offered strangers Krispy Kreme doughnuts, a woman from outside the group approached her to offer support and give her a hug. “God bless. Or whomever bless — the universe bless,” the woman said as she walked away.

Many of the signs echoed the views of marchers — that Shiites are victims of ISIS, and in particular of the Wahhabi branch of Islam that dominates Saudi Arabia. The front row of the marchers was a phalanx of young boys holding posterboards with words such as “Americans unite against Wahhabi terrorism,” “Muslims against ISIS” and “American Shia Muslims stand with the victims of San Bernardino.”

Ali Alkhafa, 23, a University of Maryland student who grew up in California but was born in a Saudi refugee camp, said Muslim Americans are hindered from being a louder voice against terrorism by their own internal divisions.

“Muslims aren’t as vocal as we need to be,” he said as the sound of men thumping their chests punctuated the air. “It’s cultural. We’re welcoming but not as open to one another as we should be. My folks’ generation are still isolated [by ethnic group], but my generation is really open.”

The crowd appeared conservative. Men and women marched mostly separately, and women’s heads were covered. However, participants said they were more ideologically diverse, and were deferring to the more traditional gestures out of respect for one another. In the mix were convenience store managers, emergency room doctors and chemistry teachers.
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 22
Capt Walter Miller
I don't see where they talked up the good ol' USA.

CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
>1 y
sarcasm detected and acknowledged.
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PO3 Electrician's Mate
Good, let us hope this is the beginning of the reform that Islam needed. Good luck...
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
PO3 (Join to see) - The original church was the Orthodox Church, which excommunicated the pope of the Roman church in 1054 CE. The Crusades were launched by the Roman church, and included plenty of religious bigotry. The First Crusade didn't even make it across the German states before they were killing Jews, and they attacked Orthodox Christians when they got to Greece and Turkey.

In 1208, the Roman church launched the Albigensian Crusade against a sect in southern France. At one town, both Roman Catholics and members of that sect huddled in a church for sanctuary - the prelate in charge, Arnaud Amaury, told the military commander: "Cædite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius" ('Kill them all, God will know His own").

It's not what you claim, consolidation, since the history of the Christian church shows that after the Great Schism of 1054, the church has continued to fragment, over and over again. The main problem with Christianity today is you have one sect that traces it's history back to the Apostles, and a bunch (about 40,000 +) of heretical sects that believe whatever they want to believe. And some of those sects are calling for Holy War...
PO3 Electrician's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - If it is not a consolidation of power ... then why they kill them?? It is so weird while all your described is fact in historical sense. but in another way, you didn't see WHY they do it. Like I stated, the Kings and the Sultans are the players, everything happen in the Crusades is about power.

The main problem is the Islam don't have that many "different" sects ... so when one of them go bad .... a huge population of Muslim become "radicalized". Compare to Christians? there maybe nut-job out there calling for holy war, but people will just go on to a different sect. :P Thus those that call for Holy war diminished or minimized. But the more they consolidated, the more power they have. Thus a war can be declare.

You are comparing an army to a group of militia in that sense, and that is the scale different that I am mentioning. Without wanting to know why there is a scale different, you will never see the root cause.

Eventually, the militia will become an army too ... but then, why the Muslim become an army so fast? and Christian still need "more" influencing factor to happen to become an army??? and once again, understand the different of why that happen, will shine the light of what is the really problem.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
They killed them because they believed differently than they did. Pretty much the same way ISIS kills Shi'ite Muslims, and the way John Calvin murdered those who believed differently than he did, or any number of other atrocities committed by Christians, including the murder of children as witches by African Christians in the last ten years.

The problem is revealed religions like Christianity and Islam that have no toleration for other views.
PO3 Electrician's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Gregory Prickett - They kill them because they are a threat to their power in that region. This is the fact 1000 years ago and is still the fact now. It just just like why Jews being targeted in Germany, it is about power, no matter what excuse it is.

Yes, Christianity share the same evil with Islam, that we can agree on. But the problem we are facing now, is from the Islam side, if we don't solve the Islam side of the problem ... Christian will force to react just like Islam eventually ... and thus the evil within Christian will take over once again, and a whole new "Crusader war" start again .... sigh ....

And it is happening in European region as we speak ... the fascism is raising .... and they are still not taking the name of Christianity yet ... but Russian did, they already claiming themselves to be the defender of Christianity ....
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