Posted on Dec 18, 2018
SFC Infantryman
I PCS in 4 months. After receiving contact from sponsor I have become aware that the OPS SGM will be pulling me to fill a position in their S3. In fact, I received updated orders after this revelation reflecting their HHC as gaining unit. My concern is I don't have all my "hard-stripped" SFC PSG KD rated time. I just completed Drill Sergeant duty and have 24 months rated time as a Senior Drill Sergeant (11B4X). I'm under the impression that doesn't fulfill my required PSG KD time per my CMF career progression map. Should I be worried that this will hurt my career progression? Is this typical protocol for new SFC's arriving to their new unit so they can get to know you before giving you a platoon? What are some suggestions to approach this new assignment without burning bridges by assertively seeking a PSG slot?
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Responses: 10
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
Being in the 3 shop will give you an advantage. Odds are the personnel decisions for the next FY have been decided. Being in the 3 shop lets the CSM see your work ethic and let’s you peek into the unit you want. I’d look at this as an opportunity and I’d start setting the conditions for when you get the call.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SFC (Join to see) SGM Erik Marquez thoughts on the original post gentlemen?
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
LTC Jason Mackay I've worked with a lot of CSMs and their OPS SGMs are an extension of their intent.
It's true that the Ops position is not in line with his KD time and career development. But, as a new E7 there is plenty of time for him to earn ops time - which will set him ahead of his peers - plus meet the requirements for KD time prior to his first look at MSG.

Chances are that the Ops SGM looked at this SFCs ERB and saw someone they want to groom for future promotion potential.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - thanks for the response.
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 6 y ago
SFC (Join to see) When will you have your first look for E8?
If its going to be more then a year, id not sweat a stint in the S3 shop... Relationships you make there and units supported will be an advantage when you get a platoon.
Learning how your unit works though the orders process, taskings, ammo and land requests will all give you an advantage as a PSG, and one day a 1SG.
That said,,,,,,,, dont get stuck in the 3 Shop... Talk with the S3.... make a deal and work hard to swap out before that S3 leaves the position. You will have direct and common access to the CSM.... bust your butt to do the job best you can, but remind the S3, the CSM, the CDR at appropriate opportunities, you want the challenge of being a line a pest, without being obnoxious..and be ready.

There is a likelihood if you are good at the job, make an impression of being the go to guy, the one that finds, fixes and works though the problem found or will be one of the first names that pops in to the CSM/CDRs mind when they have a problem in a company to solve ... Platoon with issues, PSG fired, company not doing well..Yup, send in the highspeed E7 who is good and hungry for the job... Company 1SG relieved of duty, senior PSG steps in seat.. CSM needs a strong PSG so that platoon and company as a whole can get its act together.... Send in the highspeed E7 who is good and hungry for the job. In other ready to get handed a shit sandwich and be expected to do the same great job there as you did in the 3 shop... Or you may get put in a great company that they want to keep at that high level.

The reward for just doing what you have to to not get in trouble in the 3 Shop, is either staying in the 3 Shop, being moved to another HQ section, likely sent on a 180 day tasker to......NTC, Kuwait, Housing office, used to fill the tasked position at DIV in the ceremonies section, or one day, many months from now when the CSM has no other choice...given a platoon in a company ... Dont be that guy.
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 6 y ago
SFC (Join to see) have you talked to the CSM yet? He may be rotating you into his staff to get a read on you before pushing you to the "right" Company and a Platoon where he thinks you're most needed. He may also be working some timing issues with NCOs in the slots.

He has to see what you see from your ERB.
SFC Infantryman
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
Sir, thanks for response. I haven't talked to the CSM yet. Although I'm sure that will happen once I arrive. My assumptions are the same as yours. I didn't want to preemptively draw any conclusions before arriving but figured I'd be on some sort of "queue" for a platoon as you mention.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SFC (Join to see) questions for you:
- where are you in the timing for the E8 board?
-how long have you been a SFC?
- are you going CONUS to CONUS? (I'm assuming you'll have three years on Station at the new unit)
SFC Infantryman
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
LTC Jason Mackay

-first look for E8 board will be FY20

-will be (1) year TIG as SFC upon arrival to new unit

-this will be a CONUS to OCONUS PCS (yes, (3) years time on station)
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - is the FY20 look, "the look" for you?
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