Posted on Sep 3, 2018
Should I pursue becoming a Commissioned or a Warrant officer?
Some background; My overall goal is to become an Army Officer, I feel that I can lead soldiers and teach what is needed, while learning where it’s needed. However I’ve thought myself in a bit of a dilemma?
With become a Commisioned Officer how long could I go? Could I continue to let’s say 40 years? (Which would be before my 65 birthday) or would it just be easier to become a warrant officer since ( I just found out that you TIS clock for 30 years restarts?)
Any advice is helpful. Thanks in advance?
With become a Commisioned Officer how long could I go? Could I continue to let’s say 40 years? (Which would be before my 65 birthday) or would it just be easier to become a warrant officer since ( I just found out that you TIS clock for 30 years restarts?)
Any advice is helpful. Thanks in advance?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 14
This day in age, there is a lot to consider... First and foremost, what are your personal goals - beyond that of the arm chair quartbacks here on RP? You haven’t really told us your goals, what you hope to achieve? Personally, would suggest you look at that before you go further! Then decide whether you want to be a Staffer or a Technician. Both can can Command troops, yes, a Warrant can be a CO Commander. Unless 05/06 as a WO you could be recalled during wartime efforts serving well into your mid 60s up to age 70 as my father was!
A technician/WO will be granted many more chances to be free of the BN/BDE BS with similar pay for the junior levels. When you start getting into the W3/W4/W5 pay you’d need to stay 30 yrs, to consider the time and years verse that of a LTC/COL with 22/24 yrs do you want to give the extra time?
Do you want to be really good at one job or lead up to 5K troops? You can have the same amounts of responsibility in monetary value signed for in equipment, depending on assignment and MOS!
Most of the time WO show up to work and go home, PT exclusions, formations, etc... The regular Officers are typically supposed to be there the entire time for show of the CO/1SG.
Warrants normally don’t get screwed with... If they were good that is!
Will bow-out and let my other Brethren jump in with some good advice! Mine might be old news...
A technician/WO will be granted many more chances to be free of the BN/BDE BS with similar pay for the junior levels. When you start getting into the W3/W4/W5 pay you’d need to stay 30 yrs, to consider the time and years verse that of a LTC/COL with 22/24 yrs do you want to give the extra time?
Do you want to be really good at one job or lead up to 5K troops? You can have the same amounts of responsibility in monetary value signed for in equipment, depending on assignment and MOS!
Most of the time WO show up to work and go home, PT exclusions, formations, etc... The regular Officers are typically supposed to be there the entire time for show of the CO/1SG.
Warrants normally don’t get screwed with... If they were good that is!
Will bow-out and let my other Brethren jump in with some good advice! Mine might be old news...
So....what kind of WO would you want to be? Most WO applicants are expected to have some documented experience in a career field (pilot is different). Officers can frankly just come off the street as long as they have a degree and write up a convincing Green-to-Gold packet.
Also note that you can only serve 30 years total Warrant Officer service so if you do get appointed before 10 years, you wont make it to 40. Also, with the future of 'up-or-out' in question, retention over the years is unknown.
Also note that you can only serve 30 years total Warrant Officer service so if you do get appointed before 10 years, you wont make it to 40. Also, with the future of 'up-or-out' in question, retention over the years is unknown.
SGT (Join to see)
I do apologize, a flying warrant officer. Since being a 15R I have maintenance experience on the aircraft. Either way 40 I know I wouldn’t make, and to be honest 30 years total is still a good amount of time.
There’s been a lot of debate about having USPHS warrants, they also had an Inactive Reserve, it was shut down s few yrs ago, God knows why, it was a really good idea....
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