Should there be a Smoking/Tobacco policy for and PT failures?
I think this is a topic that will never get any real conclusion as the support goes both directions for and against. I personally quit about 2 years into my career, but never really noticed much difference in my PFT or regular PT.
I do have a funny story that shoots every study or claim that smoking will prohibit or create lower scores from being a smoker, I had a guy I was stationed with early in my career who was a pack and a 1/2 a day smoker and he had been smoking for about 7-8 years at the time I knew him, here is the odd part, he held the post record for the 2-mile run in the PFT, he ran a low 9:30 for his run, and this was in the day when some guys would run while smoking in PT during the 80s. So it is things like this guy that gives credence to smokers who say it has no effect, I have also known people that were menthol smokers that would smoke 2 cigarettes before the test because it opened their lungs up more before the run.
I wish you luck on your pursuit of the getting a regulation created or even a policy.