Posted on Mar 12, 2015
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Sub 116 1000
According to Navy prosecutors, a group of male submarine Sailors aboard the USS Wyoming traded illicit videos of female Officers in various stages of undress "as if they were Pokemon cards."
1.) Does this news really shock or surprise any of you? Why or why not?
2.) Is this a problem unique to this one boat, or does it represent a broader
problem across the Silent Service?
3.) What actions can be taken to prevent future occurrences of conduct such as
this? Who's responsibility is it to fix this?

Just as I did last week with my discussion with the Air Force, I am posting this discussion not to air the Navy's dirty laundry or to point a finger and laugh, but to learn from those of you who are closer to this situation what the reality is and what lessons you are learning that may be beneficial for the Army. I will not tolerate disrespect on this thread, and it is not my intent to see it sink (no pun intended) into a battle of mud-slinging, service-bashing, name-calling, or meme warfare! We are all professionals, comport yourselves accordingly.
Just a little bit about my background, I am a Military Police Officer, one of the few Army Branches that has integrated both genders and places them both equally into positions in which they can be expected to lead Soldiers into direct combat. I have served my entire career alongside women, including combat in Iraq. In my current assignment, I am trained in the Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention program, serving as my Unit's Victim's Advocate. Therefore, this story holds a professional interest for me.

Thank you!
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Responses: 38
PO1 Personnel Specialist
1/ This does not surprise me at all. Military is comprised of many young personnel, who are sexually prime. Many of them will do stupid things. I do not condone the behavior but I am not surprised.
3/ We have to remind our Sailors not to objectify a person. Unless he or she gives permission to share his/her personal photos, we cannot share their photos. Our Sailors must have respect for other personal lives. Everyone is responsible to fix this problem, which is another form of sexual violation and hazing.
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LT Bob McFarland DC USNR (Ret'd)
Edited >1 y ago
Bob J.Mc Farland LT DC USNR (Ret'd)

We should not be surprised by any healthy young male's actions towards women on board Navy ships. In the first place, the Navy made the biggest mistake of their entire history by allowing women to serve on ships with young, healthy men, whose testosterone levels are the highest they will be in their entire lives. It is only normal for healthy, young males to want to physically mate up with young healthy women. It happens everywhere that men and women live and work closely together. If you want to remove this problem aboard U. S. Navy ships, leave the women on shore. At least the men on shore have a much larger choice and aren't forced physically and emotionally to take advantage of the women, like the troublesome conditions on board ship.

Enough said on that subject.

Bob J. Mc Farland LT DC USNR (Ret'd)
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LT Michael Watson
Unfortunately, we probably are surprised because we expected better. This has been a. Loses community and the transition will not go along without some major issues. It will not be a sterile environment such as the corporate world where such issues are dealt with very quickly, some of which will be that in the corporate world they can just tap into the pipeline for another actor to do the job that understands the behavior expectations. Submarine service is a highly skilled and demanding training/performance environment, where there are not an endless supply of bright, young MBA clones.

Not making any excuses, and the expectations are clearly set. The punishment ant behavior must be made meaningful and consistently applied, no exceptions.
CDR Kenneth Kaiser
CDR Kenneth Kaiser
>1 y
It has been a long time since I was last on a submarine but I would bet that they don't have room to establish separate berthing compartments. So while many of these that have been disappointed are basing their opinion on surface or shore environments. Reading Petty Officer Murphy's comments I am led to believe that my assumptions are correct and that space is still confined. So lets take a bunch of young men and women and make them live together for 6 months day and night sleeping in the same space without privacy. What could go wrong? Yes it is bad behavior but surprising?
You are right about the time it takes to train a submariner. It will be even more difficult now there are no ratings (another bright idea from the bright idea folks at the top) I am not sure how they intend to come up with a manning document for ships anymore. It used to be hard enough. My point being that it will be a long time before they get to the point where we will have fully qualified all female crews several years . So this is not going to go away quickly
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PO3 Charles Relf
I must beg your indulgence, for a while I have seen the postings for rally point. Though I served with US forces, I am not an American. When I joined the group I requested that if I am allowed to join that my true rank be shown, not the equivalent.

I served 22 years in a trade that was men only for my first 5 years. Isolated and semi isolated postings were the norm. Part way through a 6 moth isolated tour the station of 200 men was altered with the addition of 20 Female service members, a few years later the trade was opened to female recruiting.

I have seen good as well as bad action on the parts of both genders. For this action to be ongoing as it appeared to be then there are two issues. One, individuals acting in an unacceptable way. People who should know better yet started and continued to violate rules as well as military regulations. The second is an issue with leadership. Isolated places have very few secrets, if not fully aware, senior leaders had an idea that something was ongoing. By failing to supervise, guide and step in, what may have been a couple individuals being disciplined has resulted in yet another incident where many suffer. Pride, respect, duty. Earned, and given. We have a duty to instill this in every person in our organization, period, full stop
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PO2 Christina Hutson
Why is that a problem sounds to me men don't want to be ordered around by a female that's pretty sad when we been doing it for year other way around.
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PO3 Donald Murphy
Edited 8 y ago
I find it hilarious for various reasons. A submarine is not neatly compartmented like in the movies. There are two "shitters" onboard that are out in the open. No door. No cover. Why? Cuz - the sub was built for men. So were I to be using that toilet and a female sailor happen to walk by, then she'd technically/legally be accused of harrasment/voyeurism, etc.

In an ideal world, female and male sailors on board subs will all have their own room, door, head, etc. Too bad it doesn't work that way in real life. By the way, you do know that on most boats, the doors come off the hinges for sound silencing reasons? So on most boats, shower/bathroom doors are replaced by shower curtains. When a wife would come on board, you'd stand outside the curtain while your wife used the facilities.

Theres a lot of spontaneous nudity on board subs. Some of the beds have guages that need to be read near/in them. If you're in bed when I pull back the curtain to read it, I hope you have your jammies on... Pipes flow near/through berthing. Lower level berthing has a huge "pantry" in the floor. What if the cooks - male - need to get into that pantry while the girl sailors are sleeping in that chunk of berthing? Too bad. Get your t-shirt and shorts on and learn not to sleep in the nude (yes - we had multiple complainants bitching about their privacy back in my day).

You'll stand in line to shower wearing only your towel. Try to do it another/different way. Try showering fully dressed because you've been pre-scared/listened to an urban legend. Can't be done. Someones' gonna see skin. "But it shouldn't be done..." Yeah yeah...yada yada. Its called cell phones. Don't want 'em? Ban 'em. Don't like my daughter at school getting upskirted either. But what can you do other than ban phones? Sorry government - no easy/rational answer.

Welcome to submarine life ladies.
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Capt Mark Strobl
Surprised? No. Disappointed? Yes. The first time I saw a woman about a ship was 1993 - USS Ogden (LPD-5). 10-female Midshipmen joined us as we left Pearl Harbor. CoT (Green-side Commander) issued a standing order to "stay clear of the women." Besides, Marines had no direct business with the Mids anyway. Unfortunately, this directive didn't curb the unprofessional interest(s) of some 18-yr old knuckleheads. Fortunately, nothing serious happened. However, by the time we hit our first port o' call, we took on some newbies --replacements for those who didn't embrace (or understand) the directives.
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1LT William Clardy
Of course this doesn't surprise me. Disappoint, yes. Surprise, no. The only part that surprised me is LT Hochmuth's comments as a defense attorney -- I wonder if he would also argue that shooting a 6'4" sailor with a .22 short shouldn't count as attempted murder because it only made a tiny hole in him and he was able to walk to the ER?

I doubt that the Wyoming is unique in hosting pockets of these sailors' value set. Immaturity and lack of respect is unfortunately in ample supply.

My own knee-jerk notion of the correct action in this case would be for every sailor who shared one of these videos to lose at lease one pay grade at mast. For recipients who didn't share but also didn't report it, well, let's just say that the Wyoming should have decks clean enough to eat off for a while.
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
8 y
I'm afraid that social media and electronicization of society has merely taken behavior already known and propogated it faster. Single guys look at breasts on a single girl. In the old days, you had to wait until you saw your friends to talk about "that girl." Now, within seconds, everyone of your friends across multiple time zones can see the photo of the girl you saw and enhancement software on your phone can focus on just her breasts. All within nano seconds.

Like the meme says: "the internet doesn't make you stupid. It just makes your stupidity more visible to others." No woman, civilian or military is safe/free from electronic snooping. Go to; theres' cameras disguised as pencils and flash drives for heavens sake! Privacy's a thing of the past. No, it shouldn't be but only abstinence is gonna shut it out. Unless you completely blot out electronic devices onboard a sub/ship/tank (makes sense as you don't/won't/shouldn't have a signal) then you're gonna keep getting it everywhere.

They upskirt in offices on buses and on subways. In stores and in town. No one is safe. And sadly, the punishment will never be enough to prevent it from happening again.
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