Posted on Aug 12, 2015
PFC Aaron Knapp
Opinions here... 1. Why cant we be trusted to vote for the President? Popular vote decides everything but the President. Why do people still believe their vote matters except in the like 2 States that require popular vote be used by electors. These "electors" are chosen not by the people but by the people that were elected by the people. There have been cases of a President losing popular vote but winning election (Bush vs Gore). WHy is it so many people still believe their vote counts? I personally stopped voting for President after learning about this process and refuse to vote until my vote counts. If you look up these electors you wont recognize most of the names. You can learn their names but that is all. How can we be a truly Democratic society and still have an antiquated system like this in place? I font even remember hearing about this in civics class... MTV says "Rock the Vote" I say Rock the Boat! This is ridiculous...and when I see people on both sides of the Presidential comments bad or good posting their usual rhetoric on Facebook (because that's how to make change right? post a MEME about it on Facebook) I just attach a link to the E>C> and then listen for responses..which usually its just silent as people realize they have been duped. They say it is an important part of our federalist policy and it ensures all States get equal treatment..but to me it says they feel the American Public is too stupid to vote for their President. If one year no one voted for the President at all it would make no difference because these people would choose a President anyway... So here are some places to review this "law" First is WKIK (I know not the best place to get your information but in this case it pretty well sums it up)

This link will show you the names of the electors per State:

I am open to opinions here but I am offended by this system, cant believe it is still in place, and wonder if anyone else is offended that WE THE PEOPLE really means nothing in regards to our President. I mean at least not to us...We The People should be We the Electors.

Who holds these people accountable??? Also if they are chosen by Dems and Republicans then they pretty much ensure no other Non Party affiliated person will win...

Finally here is a link explaining why it is still in effect: (POWER)

Smaller states want it cause it gives them more power overall but regardless I just cannot see how not electing our President by Popular Vote could be a bad thing..and in order to change it then we need a 3/4 vote to add an amendment to the Constitution which the smaller states, afraid of losing power, will never agree to. So bottom line is it boils down to State Power..and in the end the best option they can think for changing any of it is to remove the "Winner takes all clause" that is in effect for all States except for Nebraska and Maine (I believe) either way I am offended because as far as I am concerned it basically is saying We The People are to Stupid to vote for our Commander in Chief.
I already have a difficult time every posting or saying a bad thing about our POTUS based on my Military training but this crap here blows my mind!
At the least I believe they should make it so their is an election the year before the Presidential Election that requires these Electors to be voted in by the people...put a face to the names (ie California which has more Hispanic names than I care to count...and I dont say this to be racist I say it because their is a HUGE hispanic population there so if they just list the names we could google search Jose Guzman and get so many people its not funny!)
I am just saying we should know these people, they should be accountable, they should be VOTED for (if not the POTUS himself)..ACCOUNTABILITY!
In the end a man who lost the American Popular Vote launched most of the people on this site alone into War. And while I support each and everyone of us...I find it appalling that a man who the people didnt vote for was the one making the decisions that killed many of our Brother and Sisters.....Don't you? I dont mean to rant and rave but for many of the American Population this is an unknown fact. As Veterans many of us pride ourselves on being politically savvy and I dare say there may be some if not many who are unaware of the fact that they went to war under a Commander in Chief who lost the Popular Vote...Am I the only one disgusted by this???
I will follow our POTUS regardless of who he may be because that is what we are trained to do..but to think that he may or may not be the man the people we fight to protect didnt vote for blows my mind!
Im sorry but this system has to go and it amazes me its still in place and mainly unknown to the public...
I will end this rant with a few quotes on why the system was originally put in place and ask if you are not offended by the mere suggestion:

"It was equally desirable, that the immediate election should be made by men most capable of analyzing the qualities adapted to the station, and acting under circumstances favorable to deliberation, and to a judicious combination of all the reasons and inducements which were proper to govern their choice. A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations. It was also peculiarly desirable to afford as little opportunity as possible to tumult and disorder. This evil was not least to be dreaded in the election of a magistrate, who was to have so important an agency in the administration of the government as the President of the United States. But the precautions which have been so happily concerted in the system under consideration, promise an effectual security against this mischief."

And the worst one: "Hamilton and the other founders believed that the electors would be able to insure that only a qualified person becomes President. They believed that with the Electoral College no one would be able to manipulate the citizenry. It would act as check on an electorate that might be duped. Hamilton and the other founders did not trust the population to make the right choice. The founders also believed that the Electoral College had the advantage of being a group that met only once and thus could not be manipulated over time by foreign governments or others"

So I ask you my fellow Veterans and current Service members..What do you think?
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SCPO Investigator
What is the purpose of a popular vote by the American public IF a select group of people can negate that popular vote and choose someone else? IT HAS HAPPENED.

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