Posted on Jun 29, 2015
SGM Steve Wettstein

I don't have a dog in this hunt anymore. I am just curious what you all think.
Posted in these groups: 4276e14c Uniforms
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 26
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
SGM Steve Wettstein I think the APFT or PT uniform should always be a light color for the summer months and heat. Just my opinion. If they want to have headphones then let them use those on the days the soldiers are doing their own work outs on their own. When in formations and running together as a team (or) conducting an APFT I don't think they should be allowed. When a group is running in formation let's back to the old days of sounding off and getting some cadences going. I'm curious to see what our Marine brothers and sisters think of these changes? What changes have they made? Maybe I'm just too old fashion. At the end of the day it's up to the SMA who is currently setting the tone. We've seen a lot of changes that I don't agree with - like the Beret - is that back again? I think the Beret symbolized a special group of Green Berets, Airborne, and Rangers! Again, just an opinion. Some will agree and disagree.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
9 y
COL Mikel J. Burroughs Thank you for your reply COL Burroughs. It is against AR 190-5 (I believe) to wear headphones while running on roadways. So the only place, if they would allow it outside of a gym, would be on a closed PT track (roads). I agree with you on the colors. I do not know why black was pick besides that Soldiers thought that it looked cool. Black Berets are normally worn (in ACUs) only in ceremonies or on special duties (gate guards & MPs).
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
9 y
SGM Steve Wettstein thanks for the updates. I thought that headphones would be dangerous, but didn't know for sure - thanks for the update on the black berets. I thought for some reason they came back. They went away before I retirted in 2012 and I was really happy with that. Again thanks for keeping me up-to-speed.
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MAJ Jim Steven
Edited 9 y ago
What is the Army's obsession with the color, black???
Seriously, we worry about cars being able to see us AND heat injuries...and someone comes up with a black uniform, and maybe black socks???
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
9 y
MAJ Jim Steven Thank you for your reply MAJ Steven. I don't know where they came up with the color scheme. It might look cool but I don't think the powers that be put very much thought into heat injuries.
MAJ Jim Steven
MAJ Jim Steven
9 y
SGM Steve Wettstein I think a lot of it is driven by how the uniform looks "standing tall and looking good, oughtta be marching in hollywood" than how it performs as an athletic performance outfit.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
9 y
MAJ Jim Steven - Sir I think the new APFU does look good but is impractical.
SGT Bryon Sergent
SGT Bryon Sergent
9 y
The color black reduces the stains from having grass and the dirt and mud discolor the Grey! Hold on just a minute, I DON"T like the black either. I'm in TX is is really going to suck!
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1SG First Sergeant
SMA Dailey said it best if it isn't hurting anything why not? For those who are complaining about the SMA not focusing on larger issues such as pay and troop strength you need to do your homework. When was the last time a NCO gave an order or created a standard or policy?....never. Officers make these decisions and it is our job to enforce them. In the case of pay and man power that is a congressional decision that the joint chiefs only influence.
In my humble opinion I believe that the SMA is doing a good thing by attacking the things he can effect such morale. One of the previous articles was just talking about morale being at rock bottom again in the Army. Like it or not young Soldiers morale is effected by thing such as tattoos, headphones in the gym, and yes even socks. I met SMA Chandler three different times and not once did he ask what the Soldiers thought he did however deny a NCO of the year a coin because she had a small broken heart tattoo behind her right ear because he didn't see her as a professional. Think she cared about her pay or retirement options that day? Bottom line all we can do at our level is to provide the troops we are charged with leading the best training, care, and influence we can. Spend more time worrying about what you can directly impact rather than what you cant.
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