Posted on Mar 27, 2015
Cpl Anthony Pearson
Operation: Jade Helm is a special forces operations to train our military on how to operate undetected and to identify threats within the United States. Threats could possibly mean American citizens, as well as other human threats.

Some feel this is in prep for martial law. That may or may not be the case, although anything is certainly possible.

So many things to discuss about this topic:
- Do you feel that Obama and his admin declaring martial law is a viable possibility?
- How do you feel about this operation overall?

My initial feelings aren't very good. My gut is telling me this could be a real problem. I hate sounding paranoid, and I certainly don't want to think the worst.

Google search for "Jade Helm":
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Responses: 50
SGT Jeremiah B.
Old program and necessary as we never know when that sort of thing will be legitimately necessary.

As for the Obama martial law conspiracy theory - It's retarded. Seriously. The US isn't socially structured to encourage the military or law enforcement to mindlessly follow the orders of the president. He would be opposed by EVERYONE. The military would refuse to cooperate, the agencies would refuse to cooperate, Congress would refuse to cooperate and the states would refuse to cooperate. A vast majority of the people who voted for him would turn on him in a split second. His declaration would be a fart in a hurricane.

The only reason this gets any traction is the enormous number of lies told about Liberals by the RW media. Liberals wouldn't tolerate a dictator any more than Conservatives would...possibly less so as the willingness to use force to bring about desired change is lower in Liberal circles. We do not have a III% or oath keepers movement. Get to actually know some liberals without demanding you change their minds or accusing them of being evil/stupid and you might learn a few things you didn't know.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
9 y
If you mean the question about Huffpo/MSNBC, then here goes - No. I would never recommend either of them generally. I'll use either and Fox if it's covering something politically neutral or if I feel they're actually being acceptably unbiased (bias is impossible to avoid).

When engaging a source, I always ask myself a question - Are they ideologically committed? IF they changed their tune, would they lose their target demographic? If the answer is yes, I take EVERYTHING they say with a grain of salt. In the case of Fox and MSNBC, I pretty much just ignore them completely. I'm done with infotainment and "journalists" that have abandoned even the attempt at neutrality. If the site says it delivers information from a Conservative/Liberal perspective, it's essentially just admitted it can't tell the truth.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
9 y
So if it's just on one end of the political blogosphere and news sites, it probably didn't happen or it's being severely twisted. People really, really underestimate the media in their drive for a good story. It's not about a political side, it's about the ratings and if there was something provable, reporters from EVERYWHERE would be falling over each other to be center stage on that story.
MAJ Matthew Arnold
MAJ Matthew Arnold
9 y
I will admit, if you don't tell anyone, there are liberals in my family. I love them anyway. Besides, my sister and I have been calling each other stupid for about 57 years and we still get along fine.
MSgt Joseph Redmond
MSgt Joseph Redmond
9 y
Wow and Sgt Brookins lives in AZ. You are a very good debater. Non of the so called conservative cannot debate with you because they do not know the history of being a real conservative. A true conservative would never spend our national treasure on nation building or endless wars. Never.
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CW2 John Brookins
Edited 9 y ago
Yep, it’s just training folks. It’s much like Robin Sage (look it up) which takes place all the time in NC. Overseas we conducted these types of training events for a long time. I’ve only glanced at the CONOP published online for locals so they know what’s going on but I’m sure it’s just a UW exercise that will save money by not deploying OCONUS to conduct. Its how we learn to move as undetected as possible with Civilians and law Enforcement looking for you. We actually have lots of great training facilities in various places throughout the US that look like they might be utilized in this exercise. SF Units and I’m sure SEALS also do this on a smaller scale all the time.

Lots of hay has been made of the fact that initial CONOPS had “For Official Use Only” on the document. But that as most here know is normal.

This reminds me of the FEMA CAMP martial Law fears of training conducted in Perry Georgia last year. Alex Jones and the like made a lot of what turned out to be just good training in a very sophisticated training site. I was there. It was only training for a unit out of Fort Benning and first responders in case of domestic emergencies like Katrina. You know the one that everyone complained we weren’t prepared for.

So, what’s the BLUF? Stay the hell away from INFOWARs unless it’s for entertainment value.
TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn
TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn
9 y
BY then I'll be to late.
SFC Jeff L.
SFC Jeff L.
9 y
Just a reminder that the police and military went door to door after Katrina disarming law-abiding citizens and confiscating their weapons.
CW2 John Brookins
CW2 John Brookins
9 y
Jeff, you have an interesting point. While I was deployed to NOLA for Katrina we didn't confiscate any weapons I'm aware of we did assist the police and some federal officers, the few that were left in a couple arrests. I believe the 82nd were collecting weapons in abandon homes and there were a few court cases declaring it illegal to disarming law-abiding citizens so some of that must have happened. It is certainly something to look out for. When a government becomes too large there's often too much room for error. That said I don't see that kind of event here.
SGT Kevin Brown
SGT Kevin Brown
9 y
I agree with you CW2 Brookins. I am not a fan of Infowars, or any other "red flag" style news network. More often then not it is a fear based conspiracy, taking one thing and twisting it around. With that said, it is the patriots duty to always remain vigilant and to keep and eye on the actions of the government and those in it. No news source can be fully trusted and most stories do require further research (not something favored by to many). One tool that can help with finding validity in anything you read, see or hear is critical thinking. Logic is another. Both take practice.
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SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
Notice to all USASOC forces invading Permissive Arizona.

Free Beer at VFW Post 7400!

Please bring your ID
SPC Nate Lamphier
SPC Nate Lamphier
9 y
This is tempting SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S. much so I may ask the wife if I can fly down for a happy hour.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
9 y
SPC Nate Lamphier
Double points if you rap in from an v-22
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