Posted on May 15, 2016
Statistically speaking, which training center has more recorded training-related deaths, JRTC or NTC?
Responses: 11
Use the power of the CAC and go to the Army Readiness Center aka the Army Safety Center and pull stats.
My inclination would be NTC has more due to more vehicles rolling. JRTC has airborne operations which may skew it. I was OPFOR 94-98 and we had a few deaths, mostly Blufor. 92 was a bad year, I believe that was the Brad platoon that flipped over of the Colorado wash. Several TCs killed among others. During my time: Several rollovers. OC crushed by an AVLB. Augmentee 5 ton rammed an ambulance head on in Barstow rd at EOM killed the medic. Two OCs earned Soldiers Medals trying to save a tanker trapped in the drivers compartment during a vehicle fire. Crew bailed and left him.
Preponderance if deaths were POVs on 10 mile stretch.
My inclination would be NTC has more due to more vehicles rolling. JRTC has airborne operations which may skew it. I was OPFOR 94-98 and we had a few deaths, mostly Blufor. 92 was a bad year, I believe that was the Brad platoon that flipped over of the Colorado wash. Several TCs killed among others. During my time: Several rollovers. OC crushed by an AVLB. Augmentee 5 ton rammed an ambulance head on in Barstow rd at EOM killed the medic. Two OCs earned Soldiers Medals trying to save a tanker trapped in the drivers compartment during a vehicle fire. Crew bailed and left him.
Preponderance if deaths were POVs on 10 mile stretch.
PFC Gumersindo Berrios
hi my name is gumersindo berrios i need assistance in obtaining info on the deaths or accidents that were reported in NTC fort irwin during july 1988 roattion i have a claim with the VA but they are asking for info i dont how to get been fighiting this for over 20 years if u can pinpoint me in the right direction my email is [login to see]
LTC Jason Mackay
PFC Gumersindo Berrios not sure what Info they are looking for, but you need to do a FOIA request to NTC and ARC requesting all serious incident reports SIRs, ground accident reports (Class A down to AGAR), MEDEVAC logs from the 577th Air Ambulance, for the entire rotation. They may also have the tracking from the Star Wars building. Ask for that too. You should go through NPRC for a request for your medical records that originated from Weed Army Community Clinic if you were treated there.
You can also get witness statements from people that were there.
You can also get witness statements from people that were there.
SPC Marc Lowry
My name is Marc Lowry I am looking for both the oc being crushed by the avlb incident and also the incident where the two ocs earned soldier medals for saving the tanker trapped in the driver's compartment fire. If u could either provide me with these if u have them or point me in the proper direction sir it would be much appreciated. My email is marclowry1151@gmail
LTC Jason Mackay
SPC Marc Lowry Marc the vehicle fire with the OCs was reported in the Tiefort Telegraph (post newspaper), request it from the Ft Irwin PAO. The San Bernardino County Coroner did the autopsy for the soldier who was killed. Submit a FOIA similar to what I described above. I was not physically at the incident. I was just stationed there at the time.
The AVLB incident was not publicized. FOIA request any accident reports involving AVLBs and associated safetygrams that were published from the Army Safety Center.
The AVLB incident was not publicized. FOIA request any accident reports involving AVLBs and associated safetygrams that were published from the Army Safety Center.
Speaking from experience, the NTC in its early years averaged at least one death per rotation (and that wasn't even counting the traffic fatalities on Irwin Road), so I'd say it's got the JRTC beat hands-down.
PFC Gumersindo Berrios
hi my name is gumersindo berrios i need to obtain records from the 1st cav div july 1988 ntc roation i dont know where to direct my request
MAJ Matthew Arthurs
You must mean JRTC, I can't remember any swamps, and the only trees were creosote bushes.
CPT Lawrence Cable
MAJ Matthew Arthurs - The only thing big enough to call a tree was the Joshua Trees. Yes, I know they really are a Yucca.
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