Posted on Feb 25, 2014
Study: Soil dust suspected in illnesses among Iraq vets
This was a good read, has anyone faced the same health problems?
When Army Sgt. Jayson Williams deployed to Iraq in 2003, he was a healthy 33-year-old who enjoyed the outdoors, running and playing with his son.
Edited 11 y ago
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 3
Bacteria, fungal spores, mold spores, chemicals/toxins can take years to wear your body down. Look at the number of increasing victims of Agent Orange from Vietnam. I'd just be sure to get a more thorough respiratory evaluation annually from now on, at best you can catch it early, and hope to treat the beast before it gets too bad.
Yep, In that area for a total of 37 months!!!! Gotta get checked for that stuff!!!
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