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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Aug 7, 2016
COL Sam Russell
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Responses: 3
CPT Tom Monahan
I attended QM OAC in '84 as a voluntary RA branch transfer from FA. One thing I noticed is the non-combat arms peers weren't prepared to be maneuver or fires S-4s or BDE staff. The secondary identifier is critical to get the right knowledge and experience into staff slots in combat units. Likewise it is just as important in getting the right knowledge into depot and TDA support slots.

Bottom line, experience is just as important as knowledge. Just picture a Maj who grew up as an IN LT, FSB Co CD-R, BDE S-4 and a MSB SPO going to a slot that was 90% GSers and had no combat or training mission. At the same time take a Maj who was TDA in depots or Corps Support Commands all their time. Would they be the first choice BDE Task Force S-4 or FSB SPO?
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
Sir, I think the unintended consequences are that MCoE is now advocating and SCoE is doing quite frankly nothing in terms of developing tactical Logisticians. The trend today is to put Infantry or Armor CPTs in as the FSC Commander. The SPO of MG Wentz's and LTG Perna's day is foreign to today's BSB CDRs and there is no synergy from the BDE 4/ SPO down to the FSC/ BN S4 level.
If you could I would recommend visiting NTC during TD 06- 10 just so you could appreciate the utter confusion of logistic doctrine and execution from a Divisional perspective.
COL Sam Russell
COL Sam Russell
>1 y
LTC (Join to see), thanks for the response. If true, that is a stunning and deeply discouraging trend. I certainly didn't see that in my time as a BSB Cdr in the 4/10 BCT. Not only were the FSC commanders loggies that I selected, when not deployed they were rated by me, and when deployed, the BCT commander would forward their OERs to me for input before he signed. The SPO and the BDE S4 were the two stud log iron majors in the brigade, and everyone knew it.

Do you think LTG Perna and/or MG Williams are aware of such a trend?
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
We briefed Gen Perna in 2013-14 about the trend and I failed to have SCoE leadership (GO and SES level) address it. I don't have good hair and I am extremely frank and direct in discussing issues and solutions. Gen Wyche published a paper on FSC support/command relationship but MCoE leadership brushed that off since they control the BCT doctrine and SCoE's focus is on the CSSB and the enterprise.

1st AD started the trend with an Armor Officer as the BSB SPO. It was an interesting experiment. It failed in my opinion but it was successful to the 1AD leadership. One ex: while at a LOGSYNC mtg I had to the SPO that the BCT was Black on CLIII P and critically low on turbo shaft. This did not concern the SPO at all, nor the CW4 Sr. Maint Chief in the mtg. The next day they were moving IIIP via rotary assets. I think a FA90 would have done better.

I think or know that our leaders today that were under the system you described above cannot imagine or what to know the problems with today's FA 90 branch.
Again, I'd recommend a visit to NTC to see for yourself the issues. I could be way off on my assessment but I know I'm not. Then pay a visit to Fort Lee and especially the folks at FID. You will then see two armies. One in the dirt making it happen. And another one in cubicles with FOB logisticians making future decisions that harm the BCT.
COL Sam Russell
COL Sam Russell
>1 y
LTC (Join to see), I will start some queries with a few connections. Do you mind if I mention your name, or would you prefer to be annonymous?
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CPT Multifunctional Logistician
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