Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 346
CPT Army Reserve Unit Administrator
Man, I ain't touchin' this with a 10 foot pole. Great reading though!
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
You know you want to...
COL John McClellan
COL John McClellan
>1 y
C'mon… take a shot at it!
CPT Army Reserve Unit Administrator
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
You voted me down Sir!?!?! Fine. I respect the office of the President. I will gladly go where ever the current occupant sends me, after all I signed up voluntarily.

I like that he gave the green light to kill bin Laden and the Somali Pirates.

Now please remove your down vote Sir!!! COL John McClellan
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Cpl Anthony Pearson
Sorry, I cannot play along.

I am around active, reserve, and retired veterans ALL THE TIME - hundreds of them. Biker rallies, VFW, Marine Corps League, American Legions, and more. I have *YET* to hear *ONE* person who supports this president or thinks favorably.

The people I speak with are from several diversity groups, men and women, young and old, alike.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Its all good...its best to not say anything is some case.
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SSG(P) Instructor
Funny, I got 3 down votes for my OP-ED question...I think we all need to re-think why we use the down votes...not sure my question, with my opinion warrants 3 down votes...with no comments, I might add.
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
People can down vote me all day long, and if they leave a comment it just doesn't bother me. The drive-by down votes do annoy the crap out of me.
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CPO Ed Ball
Edited >1 y ago
Let's see here:
1. Qualified Community Organizer.
2. Deceived the American Public over Benghazi to get reelected on the backs of 4 brave Americans KIA to save the Democratic Party, even though it back fired for Hillary. Thus far he's gotten away with it.
3. Best thing ever happened to the Republican Party.

1. First POTUS I've totally lost respect for.
PO1 Ron Clark
PO1 Ron Clark
>1 y
If you had been in the Navy when lets see Reagan and Bush you should have lost respect for them also Chief!
CPO Ed Ball
CPO Ed Ball
>1 y
I fail to see your point shipmate, I worked under President Carter during the Tehran hostage crisis through President Clinton who worked with Congress (GOP controlled) to give us a contract with America. President Reagan gave us the largest pay raise then, and President Bush had a no nonsense Secretary of Defense in Dick Cheney.

President Reagan represented the American voters, through words of encouragement he brought the nation together, not divide them. There was no race card to be pulled. These men led this country with dignity and respect through foreign diplomacy, and upheld morals and were considered God fearing men.

So not sure how you can associate Reagan/Bush with Obama?
PO1 Ron Clark
PO1 Ron Clark
>1 y
Well, I can give a rat's you know what about your Reagan pay-raise, I joined for the honor of serving not to get rich! As for your no-nonsense Secretary of Defense...,If he were actually military officer he would probably be court martialed for his double dipping and self-serving ways overseas with his private company reaping all the benefits. As far as my comparison Reagan/Bush with Obama, what was I thinking? Obama actually works!
CPO Ed Ball
CPO Ed Ball
>1 y
Ron, I'm so glad you served to protect your first amendment rights, you have a good day. :-)
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PO1 Ron Clark
Upon taking office, he hit the ground running on things to help the economy, his humility, while being criticized by virtually everyone who opposed him. How he has been able to be the President for all people, not just people of color as many thought that he would play the race card once elected. How he has attempted to stay above the fray when, even when people attack his family, religion and even his birth rights. How the policies he put in place during the banking collapse, i.e,. freddie and fannie mae are beginning to pay out. How he has helped people who have no health insurance find affordable health care, how the country is beginning to see soaring fuel cost drop to affordable levels, how the stock market has been higher than ever in history, I could go on and on but I wont. We wont see another one like this one in our lifetime!
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
PO1 Ron Clark
PO1 Ron Clark
>1 y
Well the party that lost both elections have been going around this country with blinders on for the last seven years! Why should you be any different!
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SSG Johnathon Mullins
1. Administrations use of drones in the "War on Terror"
2. Administrations push for more Veteran Opportunity, i.e. Mayors Challenge to End Veterans Homelessness, Executive Order 13518, etc..
3. OBAMACARE, Affordable Care Act, even though I first hated the idea for me personally... I am lucky enough to afford healthcare. I know people who have explained to me what it provided for them. I have witnessed how it has made their lives better. Hard honest working people who couldn't afford medical care otherwise now have that ability. I now support the Act.

Top three

P.S. No need in posting counter arguments. These are my opinions and they are not likely to change.

SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
No arguments here, I have been an opponent of the Healthcare fiasco, because our state lost some 17 Million dollars, but like you, so many people feel better about it, and I did struggle knowing I didn't have any insurance, when I didn't have any National Guard Tricare Insurance is great...just saying
SSG Johnathon Mullins
SSG Johnathon Mullins
>1 y
I agree there was quite a bit of lost money in building there system. Escpecially here in Oregon.
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Capt Walter Miller
Obamacare cost to be 20% less than forecast, budget office says

Source: LA Times

President Obama's healthcare law will cost about 20% less over the next decade than originally projected, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday, in part because lower-than-expected healthcare inflation has led to smaller premiums.

So far, the number of uninsured Americans has dropped by about 12 million. By the end of 2016, 24 million fewer Americans will lack insurance, the nonpartisan budget office forecast.

Excluding immigrants in the country illegally, who are not eligible for coverage under the law, only about 8% of Americans under age 65 will lack insurance by the time Obama leaves office, the budget office's latest report on the law estimates.

Of the Americans who will remain uninsured once enrollment has fully ramped up, the budget office estimates that about 30% will be people in the U.S. without legal authorization. An additional 10% will be people who are too poor to buy insurance on the exchanges, but who live in states that have not expanded Medicaid. The remaining 60% will be people who choose to not buy insurance or enroll in Medicaid.
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
>1 y
But what about the " If you like your doctor you can keep him (Or her) and if you like your insurance policy you can keep it. Everyone I talk to is complaining about their cost of the insurance policy they kept going up 50 percent. I think people put to much faith on the Congressional budget telling the truth.
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CPT Engineer Officer
100% improvement over Bush
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TSgt Operations Intelligence
How has he supported the military? As soon as he came into office, he cut our pay raises to the minimum, then went further and cut them below the minimum...
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Capt Walter Miller
If you use the facts, not Fox, you'll see that president Obama has done quite a bit and you'll reflect on how the greatest jobs growth always comes under Democratic presidents.

SFC Jeff L.
SFC Jeff L.
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller You know you keep up with these platitudes(unions cause prosperity), but it just isn't that simple. It may be a corrollary fact, but certainly not the main reason for prosperity. You're talking about a time in our country before the EPA and their oppressive regulations, when there wasn't global competition for many American products, when our government wasn't so anti-buisiness and didn't chase businesses away with high corporate taxes and restrictive overisght. We also had a generation of go-getters who didn't rely on government subsistance, because it didn't exist at that time.

I know I'm not going to change your mind. You're an ideologue. Probably a shop steward somewhere. At least be honest with yourself. Do your research and stop blindly, obediantly repeating Democrat talking points.
Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
Patrick Henry said, "The only lamp I have for my path is the lamp of experience." If you don't know the history, you can't make good decisions affecting the future.
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
9 y
Cpt Miller, you may be to young to remember POTUS Reagan. His plans took our country from a record low to a record high. Bought our inflation down and created enormous job growth. He was a democrat ,then became a republican. He made our country great again. He defeated the Russians. Since Obama came to office we have been on a downward spiral to mediocrity. All the large cities in the US are destitute and all have been under democratic rule for years. Detroit, Philly, NYC, Chicago and on and on. Wisconsin, now under republican guidance went from a huge financial debt to a surplus . All states under democratic rule are crying for funds. Obama has no background , no birth certificate, school transcripts, college records. The only president to ever cover up his so called history. He has done much to cover that up. He vetoes everything that doesn't say word for word what he thinks. He has written executive orders and then hand picked the people he would exempt from the new laws. He was raised a communist by his father, mother and grandparents all communists. He was raised a Muslim and still is a Muslim even though he says he is a Christian. He can't give a speech without a teleprompter. If he tries he just ums and ahs his way thru . He started his campaign for president in the home of a known terrorist, Bernadette Peters and her bomber husband. The only votes he made while a senator in were present. He is without a doubt an empty suit. As for FOX news, they always have people from both parties in their discussions. MSNBC and the others never do that.
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
9 y
If you only look at the government tabulated employment figures you are correct, we have to take their word for this and we all know that they do not cook those figures. But if you include the other figures like thousands and thousands of people have stopped looking for NONEXEXOSTING JOBS; these people are no longer counted in the job figures. They do much better on the dole than by having a job. The food stamp program; highly advertised by the states, has almost doubled and unemployment compensation has been drawn out from weeks to years. You have to be drinking the government cool aid.
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