Posted on Mar 26, 2015
Unusual or otherwise unknown cost-cutting ideas to save the military from the Sequestration
With the budget debate continuing and all service chiefs basically saying they cannot continue to operate on the budgets imposed by sequestration, what new, unusual, unheard of, or unprecedented ideas do you have that would save the services enough money while still remaining viable and maintaining operating capacity?
Mine are as follows:
1. Return to a universal uniform (as when we had BDU's). My suggestion for uniform? MARPAT
2. Make E-4 an NCO billet across all services
3. Reflag, retire, or move to the National Guard approximately 25-30% of the armored force replacing with light and Stryker units
4. Revise active duty manpower needs in support positions that could be moved to the Reserves or Guard
5. Stop the F-35 program
6. Improve the procurement process to reduce or eliminate waste
Mine are as follows:
1. Return to a universal uniform (as when we had BDU's). My suggestion for uniform? MARPAT
2. Make E-4 an NCO billet across all services
3. Reflag, retire, or move to the National Guard approximately 25-30% of the armored force replacing with light and Stryker units
4. Revise active duty manpower needs in support positions that could be moved to the Reserves or Guard
5. Stop the F-35 program
6. Improve the procurement process to reduce or eliminate waste
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
My suggestion, SGT James Elphick, would be less specific: I recommend focusing on personnel and less on equipment / weapons systems, because you can "buy" a LOT of people for the cost of one airplane, one tank, one ship. Your recommendation to stop the F-35 program fits in there. Same with your suggestion to improve the procurement process.
SGT James Elphick
CW5 (Join to see) I agree that we can accomplish much more with personnel than expensive weapons systems. I think that requires re-thinking our strategies in regards to how we deal with threats though. Such as being confronted by a massive armored formation (the classic Fulda Gap scenario that every general has been waiting for) is the best response our own massive armored formation or would small tank-killer teams armed with Javelins, AT-4's, etc. be more effective and less costly? A friend of mine is a platoon sergeant in a Stryker company and recently played out a similar scenario at NTC. They forced him to attack an armored formation, and of course, his unit was destroyed. However, when the tables were turned and the armored unit attacked his, he parked the Strykers well behind the lines and destroyed the armored unit in return with man portable anti-tank weapons.
I've got one... Make general officers fly Space-A, get rid of their personal jets. Make them fly coach.
Non military, but just as relevant.... Make Congress members fly coach on the governments dime and cut their pay by at least 25%.
Non military, but just as relevant.... Make Congress members fly coach on the governments dime and cut their pay by at least 25%.
Pay the politicians according to enlisted rank structure based on their time in service. Then donate the surplus saved to the military.
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