Posted on May 29, 2014
MCPO Michael Korman
I have always been a fan of General Shinseki. He spoke thoughtfully and stood up to SecDef Rumsfeld in the run up to Iraq. He was more right than wrong and he retired following that clash. I was pleased when he was named to lead VA and thought he would do well. Is it time for him to resign as the leader of a clearly failing institution under his watch?? If he was in uniform would he have a choice?? Vote up for resign; vote down for letting him stay to fix things right.
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SGT Ben Keen
For those not staying up on current events, the American Legion has called for Sec Shinseki to resign from his position as the head of the VA.

The VA released a statement rejecting the AL's call for his job and the President released his own statement saying he still backs Shinseki.

All this started over the 40 Veterans that died in Arizona. These deaths may be releated to the delays in care and a "secret list" of Veterans to wait for treatment.

With all the negative news flying around, is it time for a change at the top or are all these matters something that that the regional directors need to take responsibility over?

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