Posted on Jul 28, 2017
Were you the first one in your family to join the military? Or do you come from a family where service is common?
Responses: 40
There has been at least one person in every generation of my family (on my mothers side) that has worn the uniform.
Someone from every generation in my family has fought in every war back to1640.
I was the first to serve since my grandfathers served in WWII. Everyone was proud of me but my mother was not crazy about the idea because well, she's a mom, and the thought of her favorite child (I have 3 sisters) getting hurt didn't sit well with her. But she'll admit now that it was a good decision.
SN Vivien Roman-Hampton
I like how you added that favorite child in there. I have a sister so I often add that comment when talking to my parents.
MAJ (Join to see)
It's a constant theme in our family. Of course it's all in good fun. But not really. I'm the favorite. :)
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