Posted on Jan 27, 2019
What are the best places to live around Fort Drum?
I recently came down on orders for Ft. Drum and I'm trying to narrow down the best places to look for housing, we don't have a real preference other than something as out of the way and quiet as possible. We do not have any children so proximity to schools isn't a concern.
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 7
We lived in Philadelphia, NY when I was stationed there. About 10 miles north of the main gate, quiet village next to Theresa and about halfway from the gate to governeur. Not much passing through other than a diner, schools, dollar general, and a Stewart’s station. We stayed in Friends Settlement and didn’t mind it other than the railroad tracks nearby (shook the apartment, but after a month or so I stopped noticing it). The Stewart’s gas station has their own ice cream and it’s pretty legit, next to it is Philly Fuels which has the cheapest gas and friendly staff. I definitely recommend it. If I ever go back it is where we will stay for sure
I lived out in Grosvenor. Probably a 30 min drive. I tried on post and Watertown and liked Grovnesor the best
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