Posted on Jul 31, 2015
CPT Military Police
Post traumatic stress disorder doesn't affect just the person who suffers from it. It affects everyone that person comes into contact with. People learn to behave differently around the affected person. Do you know someone who you have made changes for when you are around them or are you aware people alter their behavior around you? Learn what the symptoms of PTSD are and ask for help for a friend or for yourself.
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The best reference I can suggest for veterans/active duty folks with PTSD is to read "Once a Warrior Always a Warrior" by Charles Hoge MD, COL (MC) USA Ret. This book is NOT a clinical manual. Rather it's a how-to book for travelers and their families on how to understand, recognize and deal with PTSD in a healthy way... I urge everyone dealing with Combat related PTSD to read this book, and have their spouses/SOs/partners, and teenage and above children read and discuss it...
LTC John Shaw
CPT (Join to see) For me it is control and safety in crowds & perceived uncontrolled environments. Going verbal (really loud and defensive) over simple things that are perceived as loss of control or unnecessary risks. With four kids, you can imagine this happens a lot! Nightmare/Bad dreams of being rocketed, smelling burning flesh/hair, visuals of body parts (arms, legs, heads) via (SV-IED) suicide vest attacks. I tried to suppress for over a year; honestly unknowingly, but eventually uncontrolled anxiety reactions, chest locking up like a heart attack, teeth grinding, the verbal outbursts, impacts on spouse and kids and other anxious reactions led me to the VA to seek assistance.
Your spouse and kids want to help, but they don't know how and many reactions your body will 'create' even if you are not consciously aware of it.
If you are feeling any of these feelings or symptoms, GO IMMEDIATELY to a VA clinic and ask for the 24/7 oncall Mental Health counselor. It is not an immediate fix, but it will start the road to help.
CPT Military Police
CPT (Join to see)
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LTC John Shaw Thank you for your post, thank you for sharing. I know it is hard to do. I'm ok, I want to get the word out that help is available.
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PV2 Duane Schlender
Do you know whats worse than ptsd being a reality? Having the reality of ptsd in your life deliberately ignored by the government and v.a., and then have it used against you to send you to prison for profit of the u.s. court system.

Thats my life. I have ptsd from a tank accident in germany (non combat). I have explosive anger, high anxiety alertive behavior, i cant handle sudden or treble based noise, and repetition makes me insane. Its been 17 years this way, and nobody cares to help me.
Im also very single, and get suicidally depressed from being single. Lovely circle of hell..right?

The ones that want to help, are prevented by their bosses.

Is this truly how a veteran, no matter who they are, should be treated? Its treatment like this that causes some veterans to steal valor, because by doing so they get the treatment they deserve anyway.

We as a country need to stop fearing the people in power who dont care about us and stand up for our rights, the proper way.
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